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Thursday already? Wow, time flies. Here's the newest chapter brought to you by my dad testing positive for corona and forcing us into quarantine. At least we're freed the day before my birthday. So expect more updates soon! Please, for my own sanity, stay healthy! I'm always here if you need anything!

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

I cringe back with a wince as Devenford Prep makes another goal.

"Why do I feel like this is gonna end badly?" I hear Kira say to Scott and Stiles out on the field.

"Because it usually does." Stiles sighs.

"Kira, you keep an eye on Garret, I'll watch out for Liam." Scott tells his girlfriend.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna try to play lacrosse." Stiles says as they run off and I can't help my laugh.

"What are you doing?" Derek asks as I rise. I just smirk at him before cupping my hands around my mouth.

"YOU CAN DO IT, STILES!" I shout as loud as I can. He turns and looks at me, giving me a thumbs up.

"Thanks, Lyrie." I hear him chuckle.

"What about me?" I hear Isaac ask and I look out onto the field, finding him next to Stiles and staring directly at me.

"Kick their asses, Isaac." Derek says before I can, and I can see Isaac's grin from here.

Everyone gets in their places and the whistle blows. Brett gets the ball before Scott can and Liam is plowed down so Brett can shoot.

Liam throws off his helmet and gloves, ready to beat the shit out of the players who tackled him. Scott and Stiles catch him, and he fights against their hold.

"Breathe, Liam." I say, knowing he can hear me. "I know you wanna kill them. But you can't. Just breathe."

He manages to calm down enough that the boys release him.

"There ya go." I mutter.

The ball is placed once more and Stiles distracts the other player by talking about steroids. He swipes the ball once the whistle is blown and I cheer. He then tosses it to Kira and she looks terrified for a second before turning and running for the goal. Everyone in the stands, minus Derek and some other parents jump to their feet and scream.

The ball is down again for another play. Liam charges across the field and a sickening crack echoes in my ears as he's tackled. Brett is taken off the field, shouting in pain. The game is put on pause for a minute and I rush down to the teens with Derek right behind me.

"Are you all okay?" I ask, looking over Scott, Isaac, Liam, and Kira. "He didn't cut any of you, did he?"

"No, I think we're all good." Scott says.

"Stiles, did you make any contact at all with Garret? Even passing the ball to each other?" Derek asks my brother.

"No. Why?" Stiles frowns.

"Even the smallest bit of wolfsbane can be deadly."

"I talked to Coach." Liam sighs. "I'm out for the rest of the game."

"What are you gonna do?" Kira asks Scott.

"I don't know." He sighs. "Something's still not right. We're missing something."

"Guys." Stiles calls. "Lydia just broke another third of the list."

"Am I on it?" Liam asks.

"No. But someone else is."

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