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Hello, hello! Fun and quick update on Band, the freshmen trombones all call me "Dad" now. I got all but one song played off, I got my marching down, and our first football game is this Friday. I'm getting all the Low Brass candy because we can't run around 3rd quarter because of Corona, and everyone is excited about that. My sister has surgery this Friday so she's coming home, and we'll probably talk more about the sticker business so I'll update you guys on that soon. No clue when the next IG live will be, but I'll keep you all posted. To anyone who actually red through this, thank you very much. Enjoy the chapter.

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

"What?!" I yell and the chains are taken off me and Lydia. Araya says nothing further, leading us out of the room.

She takes Scott another way, Severo leading me, Kira, and Lydia to where Malia, Stiles, and Isaac are being held.

"Mom!" Isaac says, obviously relieved.

"I'm all right, Buddy." I hug him.

We're soundlessly led out of the building and to our cars. Stiles, Malia, Kira, and Lydia stand by the jeep as Isaac and I lean against the Impala. After a few minutes, Scott comes out with Araya. I ignore what she says to him, not caring enough. I just want to find Derek and get home.

"So what now?" Stiles asks when Scott walks towards us.

"She thinks she knows where we can find Derek." Scott explains.

"She gonna tell us where?" I arch a brow.

"Uh, actually, she's giving us a guide." As soon as he's finished speaking, a motorcycle comes rolling up. I laugh in amusement, recognizing the familiar female figure.

"You know her?" Stiles asks as she removes her helmet, having stopped her vehicle.

"Braeden." I smirk.

"Who's Braeden?" Kira mutters.

"She's a mercenary." Lydia tells her.

"Right now I'm the one who's going to take you to la iglesia." Braeden explains.

"The Church?" Lydia translates.

"What's The Church?" Stiles frowns.

"It's not a place you'll find God." Braeden replies.


Isaac and I are in the Impala, following the jeep, which is following Braeden, down a long dirt road. Isaac's phone is plugged into the aux cord, and there's music playing softly in the car to occupy the silence.

"Hey, Mom?" Isaac asks out of the blue. I hum to let him know I'm listening. "We're gonna find Dad, right?"

"Yeah, of course." I say, glancing at the teen. "You've got nothing to worry about."

"We can't feel him through the bond anymore, Mom. How do we know he's not dead?"

"Because if he was dead, I would be too." I explain. "No matter how strained or strong our bond was, if he died, I would die too."

"Then what does the numbness mean?"

"I wish I knew, Icy." I sigh. Before he can respond, the jeep starts skidding, and I slam on the brakes to avoid crashing into the blue vehicle full of teens. Stiles manages to stop the car, and Isaac and I jump out, rushing to make sure everyone is okay. Braeden turns around on her bike, also coming to check on everyone.

"What happened?!" Braeden exclaims, coming over to the jeep as Scott and Stiles frantically look for the cause of damage.

"I don't know, it felt like we hit something." Stiles explains.

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