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A few things before this horrible chapter. It is being published early thanks to the lovely lady with the Instagram username of remygirl123 . I just want to say, I hate myself. And I apologize in advance for what you're about to read. I would tell you guys I'm not crying, but it'd be a lie. So, uhm, don't hate me?

-Time Skip-

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

My eyes widen as I stare at the name on the paper.

"I'm not sure if I can pronounce this." The doctor says and I internally agree with him. "Or if it's not actually a misspelling."

"Just call him Stiles." Noah says, rather angrily.

"Okay." The doctor gives the sheriff a tight smile before turning to Stiles, who is sitting on the MRI table with Scott standing next to him. "Stiles, just to warn you, you're going to hear a lot of noise during the MRI. It's due to pulses of electricity going through the metal coils inside the machine. If you want, we can get you some earplugs or headphones."

"Oh, no, no. I don't need anything." Stiles tiredly denies.

"Hey, we're just on the other side of that window." I tell him, walking over and placing my hand on his shoulder. "Okay?"


Noah, Melissa, and I give him gentle smiles before walking out of the room along with the doctor, giving Scott and Stiles a minute alone.

"You know what they're looking for, right?" I hear Stiles ask Scott. It's quiet for a moment before he speaks again. "It's called frontotemporal dementia. Areas of your brain start to shrink. It's what my mother had. It's the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers. And there's no cure."

"Stiles, if you have it, we'll do something." Scott says, voice thick. It's quiet for a moment. "I'll do something."

I watch through the window as they hug, both boys obviously terrified. After they part, Scott exits the room and Stiles lays back on the table, covering himself with the blanket. As Scott joins us, the doctor begins the test.

"Okay, Stiles. This will take about 45 minutes to an hour. Now remember, try not to move. Even just a little bit." The doctor says into the microphone, before pushing a few buttons. "Stiles, you're going to hear that noise now. It's going to be a loud clanging. Kind of like a hammer hitting an anvil."

The clanging starts, and my heightened hearing easily catches the sound, causing me to scrunch my nose in discomfort.

"You doing alright, Lyrica?" The doctor asks me and I nod my head, trying to ignore the noise.

"How about you step outside for a few minutes?" Melissa suggests and I instantly shake my head.

"No, I don't want to leave him." I say.

"Lyrica, you've been extremely stressed lately between Hunter and Stiles." Noah tells me. "Go outside, take a breather, and come right back in. It'll be alright."

"Okay, fine." I run my fingers through my hair.

"I'll go with." Scott suggests, leading the way to the door.

I follow behind the young alpha, and we go sit in the waiting chairs outside the MRI room. It's not long until Derek comes in and sits down next to me.

"You know the stuff you were telling me about chemo signals earlier?" Scott asks. "It reminded me of the time you were teaching me to use anger to control the shift."

"I think you ended up teaching me more about that." Derek says with a small smile.

"Are you teaching me again?"

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