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So, uhm, I got some new for you guys. As you all know, the Mama Hale books were going to be a trilogy. Yeah, I just realized that I can't do that because of how I want the entire series to end. Also, 5a is going to be the last season that I write with this. And I just finished writing season 4. So 1 season left and the story of Lyrica Hale comes to a final end. I didn't realize that. Also, 2 chapter left until season 4 is done. No song for this chapter.

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

I'm in the police station with Isaac, Scott, and Lydia. The teenagers are all sitting beside each other, staring down at the ground. I have my arm around Isaac's shoulders. I know we're all thinking over what Argent told us to say, making sure our stories are straight. After a few more minutes, we're taken, one by one, into the Sheriff's office to give our statements.

"Can you remember anything else?" Deputy Parrish asks, looking through the notes he took. Everyone is quiet. "Anything else?"

"Isaac, Sweetie?" I ask my son. Noah is sat to Isaac's left and the teenager is practically leaning against me, refusing to look either man in the eye.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. Noah places a hand on his back in reassurance. "It just happened so fast."

"Alright. That's all we need, Isaac." Noah sighs. "You guys can go home. I'll give you a call if anything changes."

"Thank you." I nod, helping Isaac stand. We walk out of the office and then out of the station, having been the last ones questioned.

"Mom?" Isaac asks as I drive towards the loft.

"Yeah, Buddy?" I reply, glancing over at him in the passenger seat.

"Can-Can I go check on Mr. Argent?"

"Of course." I turn the car, heading towards Argent's apartment. "I'll drop you off."

"Thank you."


Ethan pants as Derek uses a lighter to burn the wolfsbane out of his wounds. I already finished Aiden's, and he quickly got dressed and decided to wait by the windows. Derek flicks the lighter shut and takes a step away from Ethan.

"Should be fine in a couple of hours." He explains. "Unless whoever shot you manages to find you again."

"Lydia's with Scott. We need to go." Aiden says, walking towards the door.

"You're gonna try to convince her to go with you?" I ask, stopping the boy.

"I'm gonna try and convince her to run and hide." He deadpans, Ethan putting his shirt back on and moving to stand by his twin. "Like any sane person would do."

"And Danny?" I ask Ethan.

"Allison's dead. Stiles is dying. What do you think?" Ethan says and I growl at his bluntness.

"I think Danny won't believe you." Derek says, placing a hand on my lower back as a way of telling me to chill. "And Lydia would never run and hide."

"Because of Stiles?" Aiden asks.

"Because of Scott." I correct him. "You've been trying to find a way into his pack. Trying to earn his trust, trying to fight for him. You've had it wrong the whole time. You don't fight for a leader. You fight for a leader's cause."

"What cause?"

"Scott's always been about one thing." I say, stepping closer to the twins. "Saving his friends. He will do anything and everything to save the people he cares about. When there's no chance of winning, he keeps fighting. When all hope is lost, he finds another way. And when he's beaten down, he stands up again. You want to earn a place in his pack? You want redemption? Find another way to stand and fight."

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