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Well Guys, the end is near. Some crazy spam updates are coming your way. I finished writing and now I'm working on the epilogue. Comment here what you think the gender of Baby Hale is gonna be!

(3rd P.O.V.)

Lyrica and Melissa walk down to the hospital's morgue, the latter wiping her eyes. Melissa sniffles before taking a deep breath, looking at her son laid on the table. He's shirtless and his skin is pale.

"I still hate this plan." Melissa says, looking up at the others in the room. Noshiko, Liam, and Kira stand on one side of the table and Melissa, Lyrica, and Stiles stand on the other. "I mean this is pretty significantly terrifying. He looks dead."

"Give me your hand." Lyrica says, holding hers out. Melissa looks unsure. "It's okay."

Melissa places her hand into Lyrica's, and the werewolf leads it down to Scott's chest. She places it flat over his heart and Melissa gently gasps.

"Wait for it."

Melissa finally feels his heart beat, releasing a relieved sigh. "Is that enough to keep a werewolf alive?"

"Enough for an alpha." Lyrica nods.

"How much time do we have?"

"45 minutes." Noshiko informs them.

"What happens after that?"

"I bring him back the same way." Kira explains.

"No, I mean what happens if he stays like this longer than 45 minutes?" Melissa looks at the girl.

"No one's told her?" Noshiko looks between the teens and Lyrica.

"What? What happens after 45 minutes?" Melissa asks, now worried.

"He dies." Noshiko drops the bomb that nobody wanted to face.


"It's just a graze." Braeden explains, placing the last piece of tape on Derek's side. Derek cringes in annoyance and discomfort while Isaac watches closely, wanting to know how to patch up wounds for future reference. "But make sure it doesn't get infected."

Derek looks down at it before grabbing his shirt. Braeden walks away from the table.

"That's probably something you've never had to worry about before, is it?" She asks. Derek gives a sarcastic grin before slipping the shirt over his head.

"So, it's everything then?" Isaac asks. "No glowing eyes, no healing."

"Smell, hearing, speed, everything." Derek sighs.

"What about the bond? Can you feel anything?"

"Nope." Derek sighs.


"I can still win a fight." Derek chuckles.

Braeden gives him a look and he raises his brows. The woman places her elbow on the table, hand sticking up. Derek chuckles in disbelief. Braeden raises her brows as a way of taunting him. He gives in and leans down, connecting their hands. Isaac eagerly jumps off the table, rushing over to place his hand over theirs.

"You ready?" Braeden smirks at Derek.


"Go." Isaac lifts his hand. Braeden reaches out and hits Derek in the side, slamming his hand down on the table. Isaac laughs in surprise.

"You cheated... That's-That's cheating." Derek groans.

"I won. When you're a human facing off against the supernatural, you need to bend the rules a little bit." Braeden deadpans. "I'm gonna teach you how to bend. And lucky for us, we've got our own little supernatural to help." She looks up at Isaac and both Hales sigh.


(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

Stiles' phone starts ringing and he quickly answers it.

"I'm here. You ready?" Argent's voice sounds through the device. "Try it now."

Stiles reaches out to the laptop in front of him, hitting the enter key. All four computers turn on at once, showing different parts of the hospital. Liam, Kira, and I look over them while Stiles ends the call. The four of us watch quietly and patiently for a new face, only for the bottom right corner of Kira's screen to go out.

"Is that supposed to look like that?" Liam asks, pointing to the square.

"No, No, it's not." I hear Stiles's heart rate accelerate.

"Where is that?" Kira asks.

"The roof. Someone's gonna have to go check it out." My brother explains.

"I'll go." Kira quickly volunteers.

"Whoa, whoa, this might not just be a malfunction."

"That's why I'm bringing this." Kira holds up her sword, tucked securely in its sheath.

"I'm coming with you." Liam quickly decides, racing after Kira.

"Okay, and you're both coming right back. Immediately." Stiles calls after them, looking borderline terrified.

"I'll keep an eye on them, Sti." I chuckle.

"And leave me alone, weak, and defenseless? I think not."

I chuckle, pulling the small handgun out of the waistband of my jeans. Stiles' eyes widen. I hold the gun in my palm to show him.

"Safety, hammer, trigger. You know the drill. Pull back the hammer, safety off, squeeze the trigger. Only if necessary. It's fully loaded." I quickly instruct before setting it down on the bed and turning to leave the room.

"Where did you even get this?!" Stiles calls after me.

"Braeden!" I laugh before jogging after Liam and Kira.

"What are you doing?" Kira asks when I join them.

"Coming with you two. Someone's gotta make sure you don't die." I shrug.

"But you're pregnant and you can't shift." Liam frowns.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious." I chuckle. "Braeden gave me some ring daggers. And besides, I'm the only one of us who knows how to fight."

We finally reach the door to the roof, pushing it open and rushing into the open air. Seconds later, a generator sparks and explodes. I instantly push Kira and Liam back, keeping them out of harm's way.

"Looks like someone did something to it." Liam says once the sparks die down. I hear growling and Kira and I turn around to see a berserker coming towards us.

"I think somebody did." Kira quickly says, pulling her sword out. Liam also turns around, all 3 of us preparing to fight.

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