3K 86 6

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

"So the Walcott's were the first." Stiles begins explaining. "At least, the first that we know about. Four murders. Sean, his brother, and their parents. They were killed by a professional assassin called The Mute. Weapon of choice, a military tomahawk. But then The Mute was killed by Peter Hale after he tried to blow up Derek with a Claymore mine. (I didn't write that part, but Derek and Stilinski were in the school and found blood with the bomb and the mute attacked and then Peter attacked. Kinda self-explanatory.) Next was Demarco. He delivered a keg to the party at Lydia's lake house. And got decapitated outside his car. And then last night, 23-year-old Carrie Hudson."

"It's a deadpool. A hit list of supernatural creatures." Scott takes a piece of paper from his jacket pocket. "This is only part of it, the rest still has to be decoded."

"Who found this list?" Noah asks as the two of us look over the list.

"Lydia." Stiles answers.


"She wrote it. Actually, she transcribed it. Without realizing it."



"Beautiful." Noah sighs. "All right, what are these numbers next to the names?"

"We're getting to that." Stiles points at the paper. "First, you need to know that the code was broken with a cipher key."

"So, like, a key word?" I ask.

"It's actually a name..."

"Allison." Scott mutters. We're all quiet for a moment until Stiles continues.

"Her name broke a third of the list." He says, twiddling with his hands.

"And now we think there's 2 other cipher keys."

"Which will give us the rest of the names." I sigh, dragging my fingers through my hair.

"Okay." Noah nods. "So how do we get the cipher keys?"

"Same way we got the code." Stiles says.

"Lydia. She's been out at the lake house all weekend trying to find the other two key words." Scott explains.

"You didn't know about Demarco or Carrie. Hmm? And what about these other two names on the list? Uh, Kayleen Bettcher and Elias Town. They werewolves too?"

"We don't know." I explain to Noah. "But Deaton said that the Nemeton would draw supernatural creatures here."

"Here being Beacon Hills?" He asks while making some weird confused face. "Or Beacon County? The population of Beacon Hills is just under 30,000."

"And dropping." Stiles butts in.

"But if we're talking Beacon County, then you're looking at closer to 500,000." Noah sighs and sits down in his chair. "Look, how many werewolves, banshees, kitsunes, and whatever the hell else is out there are we talking about?"

We're quiet.

"And what happens if the next cipher key uncovers not 14 names, but 100?" (It's originally 12, but I added Lyrica and Isaac.)

"We don't think there would be that many. There's a limit." I quickly explain.

"Because of the numbers." Scott points to the paper. "We think that once we decode the names, the numbers will add up to 117."

"117 what?" Noah asks the alpha.

"Million." I sigh, taking the paper and writing k's and m's next to the corresponding numbers.

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