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For those of you who viewed my most recent Instagram live, be watching your dm's on there. I'm gonna message you all to get your Wattpad usernames so that I can tag you guys in your chapters. This chapter is published early thanks to the wonderful person with the IG username of mms0.6. and thanks to my coworker and me switching shifts so I work tomorrow and not today.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Lyrica screams, and Derek's arms loosen enough for Lyrica to escape them. She runs up, shoving the nurses out of the way so she can see Hunter.

"No." She sobs, brushing the hair out of his face with trembling hands. "No!"

"Mrs. Hale-"

"Get out." Lyrica cries. "Just get out."

Deciding it's best to leave the sobbing woman, the doctors and nurses all leave the room. Derek and Scott walk inside, Scott stopping just short of the bed as Derek goes up to his mate, wrapping an arm around her shoulders in an attempt of comfort.

"Why?" Lyrica cries. "Why? Why didn't he heal? Why didn't they save him?"

"I don't know, Lyrie." Derek whispers, looking down at the limp body of the kid he loved more than anything.

Screams start sounding from outside, and Scott's head flies up in alarm. He decides it best to leave the couple alone, and rushes outside as fast as he can.

His eyes widen at the sight before him. Water is pouring from a busted fire hydrant, and there's numerous people lying in the enormous puddle, one of them being Isaac Hale. Kira is stood in the middle of the mess, and Scott watches with amazement as the ravenette manages to catch the flying wire, but struggles to keep a hold of it. Her hold finally solidifies and she slowly reaches up with her other hand, clamping it down over the sparking end. The lights everywhere nearby flicker as the sparks are muffled by her hand. Kira looks up at Scott, eyes glowing a fiery orange.

People come running out of the hospital and Kira drops the now dead wire, eyes returning to their original color. As Scott and Kira stare each other down, a figure runs just past Scott. Scott turns to see Derek running through the water to Isaac, who is laying on his side with wide eyes.

"Isaac?" Derek pants, trying to wake his son. He feels for his pulse, only to find nothing. "He's not breathing. Scott, he's not breathing!"


-Time Skip-

-48 Hours Later-

(3rd P.O.V.)

Scott and Melissa McCall exit the elevator, walking towards the hospital room Isaac is in. They notice a familiar figure asleep outside the door, asleep in the chairs. Scott reaches out and places his hand on her shoulder, causing her to wake.

"Have you been here all night?" Scott asks the brunette huntress.

"Yeah, they won't let me see him because I'm not family." She sighs. "Mrs. Hale said it was fine, but Derek still refuses. He blames me."

"Well, we're family too." Melissa sighs. The teens are quiet and she reaches into her pocket. "And I've got a key card." She swipes it, opening the door for the teenagers.

Their hearts break at the sight in front of them. Isaac is in a bed in the middle of the room, unconscious, and there's all kinds of fluids in the coolers behind him. Lyrica is sitting in a chair to Isaac's right, hand clutching his and head rested on her arm on the bed, obviously having been too exhausted to remain awake.

"Be quick." Melissa tells the teenagers, sighing at the sight of the young mother who had become her close friend.

Scott and Allison step into the room, and as Melissa closes the door behind them, Allison takes a hold of Scott's hand. He looks down at their hands, before looking back at the girl beside him and giving her a reassuring nod.

"Where's Derek?" Allison mutters, voice barely audible, as they near the bed.

"Probably ran home to get stuff for Lyrica." Scott whispers back. "She refuses to leave."

"I thought he'd be healing now." Allison shifts the subject as they look at the dark marking adorning Isaac's face and neck.

"So did I." Scott reaches down, carefully taking a hold of Isaac's burnt forearm.

"Is he in pain?" Allison asks.

Scott nods, and tightens his grip. His veins turn black as he takes Isaac's pain away. Isaac shifts and takes a deep breath, still not waking as Scott gasps in pain and the heart monitor beats faster. He lets go after taking as much as he can, and Isaac relaxes once more, the monitor slowing back down to normal.

"It won't heal him, but it helps with the pain."

Allison and Scott jump at the sound of Lyrica's voice. They look to their right where the woman is now sitting up in her chair, hand still holding Isaac's as she looks at the teenagers.

"Did Stiles really do this?" Allison asks her.

"No." Lyrica shakes her head, looking back down at her son. "Whatever's controlling him did it. Whatever's inside him."

"Well then, how do we get whatever's inside of him the hell out of him?"

"We're working on it." Scott says, voice stern and determined.

"Well while we do that, you two get to school." Lyrica sighs.

"Do-Do you need anything, Mrs. Hale?" Allison nervously asks.

"No thanks, Sweetheart." Lyrica gives her a small smile, but it's obviously hard for her to do so. "You get to school and I'll try to convince the doctors to actually let you inside."

"Thank you." Allison sighs and the teenagers leave.


(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

"Oh my God, Derek!" I exclaim, running through the chaos to him. The entire station is a mess, and injured people are everywhere.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Derek pants as I help Argent hold him steady.

"I can feel your pain, idiot. No you're not." I say, examining his back and the numerous shards of glass protruding from it. "God, Derek. You can't be doing this. Not right now."

"I'm sorry, Lyrie."

"Come on. We need to get you out of here." Argent says. "Lyrica, get him to the loft. I'll handle the mess here."

"Okay." I nod, taking Derek's weight fully and leading him towards the door, away from Argent.

"Isaac." Derek coughs.

"He's okay. Melissa is watching him. We'll go back to him as soon as you're patched up." I say, slipping my fingers underneath the hem of his shirt. As soon as my fingertips brush his bare skin, I'm siphoning the pain from his body.

This chapter is a bit of a mess, but I promise I'll put in some dialogue in the next chapter or so to explain what all happened in between Lyrica being with Isaac and Derek.

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