The Finale - Epilogue Part One

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Disclaimer: The art isn't mine. I just thought it looked like JJ.


September 15th, 2033

I frantically set up the last of the decorations in the hall of the Crystal Palace. Today was my daughter's twenty-first birthday- everything needed to be perfect.

"Is everything ready?" Spence's arms wrapped around my waist.

"I'm pretty sure," I turned to face him. His hands rested gently on my cheeks as he planted a sweet kiss on my lips.

"C'mon- let's go hide." My husband tugged me towards the other side of the foyer and behind a sparkling counter.

A minute ticked by before the massive doors to the palace opened. Jason and his sister emerged from behind the doors.

"SURPRISE!" My family shouted, which startled my daughter a little.

"Oh my gosh! Guys!" JJ's hands flew to her mouth.

"Happy Birthday, Cookie." I swept my daughter into a hug.

"Thank you, Mom. And you too, Dad!" She strode over to her father and engulfed him in her arms. JJ was a little shorter than him, so her hands were thrown over her father's shoulders.

"C'mon, let's celebrate!" Jason clapped his hands together excitedly.

JJ dragged her brother over to the video games station where Daniel and Henry were waiting for them.

Amelia must've heard the commotion because suddenly I was being dragged out of the front and into the head-space.


"What'd I miss?" I chirped as I fronted.

"Over there," My husband whispered to me, pointing to the other end of the room. JJ, Jason, Daniel, and Henry were playing Mario Kart 19 together.

"I can't believe we made that," I mumbled, leaning into his touch.

"I can't believe that she's going to rule the Magic Web one day."

I looked at Spencer. "Well, she has a doctorate in Psychology and multiple PhDs- so I think that she's very fit to lead our kingdom one day."

"I didn't mean it in that way- I meant that she's grown up so fast."

We smiled at that.

"Mom would've loved to see her."

Spencer nodded. "Irene would be ecstatic if she had the chance to meet her granddaughter."

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