Promise - Chapter Six

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"Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most." -Ruth Carter Stapleton


December 25th, 2001

"Merry Christmas,"  I mumbled to myself as I woke up. The sun was barely peeking through the window to my bedroom, and the time read "7:02". I threw off my comforter and lowered myself off of the bed. 

I exited my bedroom and made my way to the kitchen. However, a small figure was cooking breakfast. I was usually alone in my apartment in the mornings.

"Spence, you woke up early!" Amelia exclaimed after sensing that I was in the room. I looked at her in confusion.

"I thought you hated cooking?" 

"When did I say that?" She asked, flipping a pancake onto a plate that already had two pancakes stacked on it.

"Like a week ago?" I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"That- that's so odd." Amelia finished making the pancakes and turned around to give me a peck on the lips.

I rested my nose on hers, swaying her small body from side-to-side, humming a melody to her.

"Merry Christmas." She whispered.

"Merry Christmas," I whispered back, kissing her neck.

"C'mon, the pancakes are getting cold." Amelia led me over to the table, pulling the chair out for me. I sat down, and she danced over to the counter once again. She made my plate and poured syrup onto the pancakes as she set it down in front of me.

"You're so sweet. Thank you." I smiled at her.

"Of course, now eat up." I nodded and began to eat. Amelia took the rest of the pancakes and poured about a gallon of syrup on them before sitting down to eat across from me.

After we finished eating, Amelia cleaned up our plates and set them down in the sink. I took her by the hand and we appeared inside of her family's house. The walls were a pearly white, gold tracing every edge. I had only had a few glances at the inside of the place, so the extravagance of it all caught me off guard.

"Spencer!" A voice called, and I turned toward its source. Luna, who had long, strawberry-blond hair, was motioning us to join the rest of her family with one hand. She was carrying Derek in her other arm.

Amelia ran towards her sister, engulfing the older woman in a side hug. They began to chat excitedly, and I joined the rest of her siblings. Matt, Midnight, and Nick were sitting on one side of the couch. Matt was aimlessly scrolling through his phone while his twin, Dusk, was sitting on the top part of the couch, looking over his shoulder. Midnight and Nick were talking to Zachary and Michael, the other set of twins, who were sitting on the other couch with Crystal, Alina, and Tycer. Alina and Crystal were around the same age, with Crystal being almost three years old, and Alina being five. I remembered asking Amelia about her little sister's age, and she told me it was actually closer to fifteen or twenty. Someone had cursed her so that she would age very slowly.

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