Plasma - Chapter Twenty-Four

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(Any time another language is spoken, it will be translated in the comments.)

"The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty."

-James Madison

'~-JJ (Jessica)-~'

February 14th, 2022

Valentine's Day is a phenomenon that is celebrated all around the Magic Web. For me, a nine-year-old, it wasn't very relevant in my life- which is why I took it off my schedule.

Ever since the end of July, a more important question plagued my day-to-day life: what did they use to keep my mother there?

Emily had told us that it was a serum, but that conclusion troubled me. Were Magi supposed to have a weakness- a "kryptonite" if you will?

I devoted these past months to researching all that I could about this serum. Nova had concluded that it lowered the PH of the plasma in the body, which caused someone to melt from the inside out.


I had grabbed some of the serum for myself, and when I tested it on my rodents, I saw the same result.

So why did my mother live? And, more importantly, how did it suppress her powers?

I injected a small amount into my bloodstream, though my body didn't react in the same way that my mother's body did. It was likely that I was somewhat immune to the serum- though I knew that it was impossible that I was fully immune.

I began to construct an antidote only two months after my mother's rescue. I needed to test how sodium bicarbonate worked with the serum. Luckily for me, that seemed to stop its acidic effects. However, I still needed a way to negate its effects on power generation in Magi.

That's when I had an idea.

Irene's love story was one of the most popular stories to tell among my kind. Magi loved this story so much that every Valentine's Day, they would gather in the stadium (which was normally used to watch sparring matches) to see a play based on it.

Irene's relic had incredible healing powers. It was a piece of her soul that was left behind after she died that mysteriously persisted. This was the case with the other relics, though Irene's was considered the most powerful. Some Magi believed that there was an undiscovered seventh relic that belonged to Sunbright, the first Divine.

Ludicrous, right?

Anyway, I visited the lake when the sun was at its highest in the sky. The surface of the lake shimmered back at me as I stared into its mirror. I hadn't entirely thought ahead to this moment, so I stood there for a couple of minutes, trying to figure out how to retrieve the relic.

Finally, I raised my hand towards the center and focused all of my energy on my grandmother's relic.

I watched as the artifact appeared from under the water's surface and floated towards me.

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