Genius - Chapter Fifteen

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"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." -Norman Vincent Peale


December 24th, 2011

Almost eight years had passed since my wedding day. If you were to ask most people if eight years felt like forever, they would probably say no. In hindsight, maybe it would seem like forever, but before they knew it, the seasons would change as their planet revolved around their star, and decades would pass. This was not the case for my family.

Crystal was starting middle school, which stressed Amelia out because she recalled her middle school years being the most brutal years of her life.

My job needed me now more than ever since I had climbed the ranks and gained the respect of my peers. Plus, the team that I had grown to love were like family to me, despite the invisible lies that separated us.

The real reason that those eight years dragged on so slowly was that Amelia and I had been trying for another baby. There were three false-alarms during this long period, so eventually, we had given up the hope that we could have another child.

Today was Christmas Eve, one of the most anticipated days of the year by our children. They each took turns guessing what their presents would be, giggling and squealing at the possibility of getting a monster truck.

"I don't know what you guys are getting. Only Arachne knows." They pouted, crossing their arms.

"Arachne is not even real." Crystal mumbled.

"Yes, they are!" Jason shouted.

"They are very much real, Crystal." Amelia appeared suddenly, resting her hand on my arm. "Long ago, Sunbright and her companions fused to create Arachne. In their new form, they wove the Magic Web. The legends say that the spirit of that ancient form still lingers, giving gifts to the children of the Magic Web."

Derek and Jason gaped in awe at the story, struck by the detail of it all. Crystal rolled her eyes while crossing her arms.

"For not being your child, she's certainly got your attitude," I whispered in her ear. Amelia shoved me playfully in response.

"Hey, I got something for you." She whispered back, taking my arm. "Mommy's gonna go talk to Daddy, okay?" Our children nodded as Amelia led me to the other room.

"What's up?"

"Well, I have two presents for you. One I'll save for tomorrow, and the other I want you to think about today." Amelia hesitated. "Do you know what the Staff of Immortality is?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it's Sunbright's staff. It was passed down through the Divine family until it disappeared five hundred years ago. As its name suggests, it can grant artificial immortality to mortals. However, it can only be wielded by Sunbright's descendants."

"Cool, you know what it is. Um, I found it."

My mouth opened in shock.


"Yeah, I did."

"So, you're saying that I could live forever."

"Well, immortality for us works differently; we can't die from old age. But yes, you could live forever with me since I am naturally immortal."

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