Rescued - Chapter Four

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"The supreme happiness of life consists in the conviction that one is loved." -Victor Hugo


May 31st, 2001

It had been two weeks since Spencer and I started dating, and honestly, it was pure bliss. I thought that after the incident where I killed that man, he would break up with me. Honestly, I wouldn't blame him if he did. But, he surprised me by asking me out a second time, and I was thrilled. That time I had taken more pride in my appearance- wearing a short dress and leggings with a touch of natural-looking makeup. Spencer had seemed to like it, and I remembered how he had beamed when he saw me, clearly still attracted to me.

I counted through the events I had on my calendar today and checked the time on my phone. 11:31 A.M. I inwardly groaned to myself, realizing that I was going to be late for a sparring session that my friend and former apprentice, Pippin, had set up. I ran out the door, saying goodbye to Michael and Luna as I rushed to get to my destination.

I appeared in the Crystal Forest, the smell of the fresh air wafting up my nose. I sighed, enjoying the peaceful setting. I set off to the north-east, towards the well-known clearing that was often used for sparring on this world. The rhythmic pounding of my feet colliding with the forest floor was the only sound present this early in the morning as I ran at a steady pace.

That was when I heard an odd noise.

I stopped in my tracks, surveying my surroundings and wondering where the strange sound had originated from.

Then I heard it again. Now that I was intently listening, it sounded more like wailing.
I looked around, trying to find the source, and I ran towards where I thought it was coming from. I found the source, coming from the tall brush that collected against the trees.
There were two small children, one clearly younger than the other, and the older one was crying out; a boy and a girl respectively. They were vastly different in appearance, the girl had light brown hair with a portion in the front colored blond. The small boy was raven-haired and I could clearly see his dark brown eyes shining back at me.


I cooed at them, taking the boy into my arms. He couldn't be any more than a year old, and she was at least two.

The girl wrapped her thin arms around my leg, her cries settling to low whimpers. I almost gasped as she looked up at me with her sad, almost turquoise eyes, her partially brown hair falling in her face, and her cheeks red from crying.

I pulled out my phone with my free hand and texted Pippin, asking her to reschedule.

"Hey, sweetie, what's your name?" I asked the little girl, and she seemed to not be able to understand me. The little girl reached out to one of the lower branches on the crystal-bearing trees and picked a black crystal.

"Ci-ta!" She shouted, forgetting the reason she was crying in the first place.

I made a snap decision, teleporting the two kids to Spence's apartment. Unfortunately, he wasn't home, so I set the boy down on the sofa and the girl started to cry again. Probably because she no longer had the crystal.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here. I'm right here." I stooped down and picked her up, sitting down beside the little boy with the girl in my lap. The girl stopped crying and she snuggled up to me, enjoying the warmth I provided.

I heard a clicking noise as the door was unlocked and Spence walked through the door.

"Oh, hey, Beautiful." He smiled at me, but his mouth fell open at the sight of the two children.

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