Behavioral Analysis Unit - Chapter Thirteen

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"All those cliches, those things you hear about having a baby and motherhood—all of them are true. And all of them are the most beautiful things you will ever experience." -Penelope Cruz


February 21st, 2004

I grumbled in annoyance as I trudged down the stairs. I was thirty-five weeks pregnant, and my stomach was as big as a basketball. Spencer grinned at me in greeting, wrapping his long arms around my body.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." He rested his hands on my bulging stomach. I made a small noise in response.

"I wish he'd arrive already. I look like an Oompa Loompa." I sighed as my uterus slightly contracted for the millionth time.

"Braxton hicks?"

"Yeah, it's so annoying." Spencer rubbed my belly gently, then placed his lips there.

"Jason, Sweetie, if you're going to make your mother uncomfortable, you might as well be here already." We chuckled as he moved his head and met my lips with his.

"Don't jinx it, Spencer." I winced as another contraction hit me.

"I made breakfast!" My husband motioned to the dining table. There were two plates neatly set up next to each other, scrambled eggs and bacon steaming on their surface. I licked my lips.

"Aw! I love you." I hungrily devoured my food.

As I finished, however, my contractions began to worsen. I set my dishes in the sink, wincing each time one hit me.

Finally, Spencer noticed. "Woah, hey. Are your contractions getting worse? How far apart are they?"

"I don't know. It just hurts." I groaned.

"Alright, let me call Nova. Tell me when it stops, and another one starts." He picked up his phone and quickly dialed Nova's cell. It barely had time to ring before they answered.

"Spencer?" They were on speaker.

"Amelia's contractions are starting." He sounded concerned.

"Thanks for the update. Let me know when Amelia's water breaks." The phone beeped.

"Hey, sit down on the couch, okay?" Spencer guided me to the couch, encouraging me to take deep breaths.

Thirty minutes passed before I felt a substance run down my leg. Spencer muttered a few curse words under his breath as tears started to fall on my cheeks. He picked me up bridal-style and teleported me to the hospital. Nova was already there waiting for us, a medical chart in their hands.

"Oh, damn, she's crying. I'll get the epidural." Nova disappeared as soon as I was situated on the hospital bed.

God, it hurt so bad. Spencer tried to make me feel better with his kisses, which did help me somewhat. The pain almost dissipated when Nova administered the epidural, which I was thankful for. They kept checking how dilated I was every minute until ten minutes flew by.

"Amelia, you're ready to push," Nova stated, two of their nurses on standby just in case. Spencer grabbed my hand, kissing it gently as I began to push.

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