New Arrivals - Chapter Seventeen

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"Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real." -Cormac McCarthy


July 19th, 2017

JJ was already a genius at age four, almost five. She began to read at a sixth-grade level and showed signs of having the same eidetic memory as her father.

Jason, on the other hand, was average for his age. He was achieving A's and B's in school. However, Jason aspired to be a warrior like us. Of course, as soon as he turned thirteen, we allowed him to start training at the academy.

Crystal and Derek seemed to be slightly above average in school, but they were always neck and neck in any competition. They both were on the cross-country varsity team, with nearly identical times. At times, raising them felt like I was raising twins. Even in the academy, they were only a few places away from each other- and it had been that way since they joined. Now, Crystal was seventeen, and Derek was sixteen.

This year hadn't been kind to Spencer, as he dealt with being framed for murder by an unsub who was obsessed with him. Honestly, it was a long story that I didn't have time to fully understand. When Spencer was gone, my responsibilities doubled in number and size, which caused me to have multiple panic attacks. All I cared about was that now, Spencer was safe at home, taking care of his youngest daughter.

I reminisced the year as I left the house and headed off towards the academy, as I was teaching a group of fifteen-year-olds, which we called Milestones. I decided to take the scenic route, walking leisurely through the Crystal Forest. The trees swayed in the light breeze as I caught the scent of the morning dew that was sprinkled over the forest. The sun was rising steadily, peeking over the trees as the early morning came upon me.

Suddenly, a feeling washed over my body, making my bones ache. I could only describe this feeling as dread as I traveled through the trees. I wanted to ignore it, knowing that my anxiety disorder loved to act up whenever it felt like it, but the intensity of the feeling made me stop in my tracks. Surely, if I were at all like my mother, something bad was about to happen.

I swiftly picked up my phone and dialed my husband's number, to which he answered instantaneously.

"Hello, this is Doctor Spencer Reid. How may I help you?" I chuckled lightly at his greeting, knowing that he was at work.

"Hey, Sugar. I'm feeling anxious at the moment, so could you stay on the line for me?"

There was a momentary silence before he spoke again.

"Yes, of course, I will." I heard footsteps in the background. "Do you know what's causing the anxiety?"

"No, I have no clue. I know that I'm not anxious about teaching the Milestones or supervising the Dawns. It just feels random. But, it's so strong."

Silence followed my concerned voice.

"Do you think something might be happening at the academy?"

I shook my head, then realized that he couldn't see me. "No, it's not that. Actually, I think I-"

My scream was cut off by a gloved hand wrapping around my mouth. I tried to kick off my attacker, dropping my phone in the process. By the time I had remembered that I could use magic, a needle had been stuck into my throat, and the world flashed into a black screen.

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