Chapter 47 | A Matter of Pride

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Hi lovelies,

This one is a bit short considering the wait. It's more of a filler, and kind of only half of the Chapter, but I wanted to get something up. I'm planning to do more writing this weekend.
Much love,


Here is a Character Aesthetic I made for Obsidian. (All images aren't not my own and are sourced from the inter webs) More of these are on the face-book group page so join us and check them out :) I will be posting more with each Chapter.


Chapter 47 | A Matter of Pride


"And I'd choose you,
in a hundred lifetimes,
in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality,
I'd find you and
I'd choose y o u."

- The Chaos of Stars



She looked at the crisp, white folded piece of paper that sat unassumingly on the table. Her fingers floated over it, hovering.

"If you want to leave, it needs to be now."

Her blue eyes remained fixated on the note, her hand freezing in place. As though she did not want him to see her hesitating, she turned quickly, her hands clenching behind her back instead.

"I know," she said indifferently, walking forward to stand by his side.

Ambrose glanced over her cursorily, "Are you sure-

"Yes, I am sure," her eyes were sharp as she focused on him and she felt her heart harden a little more at the scepticism in his face.

"It would be more beneficial to remain here until we hear about the outcome of the battle," he reminded her diplomatically.

She could not help the sneer that curled her lips. It was an expression she did not wear often, but his words, coupled with her current situation, teased it out of her. "He will win," She uttered haughtily, "And when he returns, do you really think it will be so easy for us to leave?"

Ambrose stared at her for a moment and then his eyes flickered down and away. "Very well," he agreed smoothly, "it is as you say, Princess."

"Then lets' go," she said coldly, "I want this over with as soon as possible."

He inclined his head civilly, but his posture was a little stiff. She forced herself to ignore it. If she was going to do this, she had to be completely resolute in her decision. Ambrose was just one person amongst the sea of those she would be disappointing soon. She could not allow herself to falter this early on.

Sweeping through the door he opened for her, she made for the edge of the ship and with the stars her only witness, she slipped gracefully into the water below. And although her body left, striking out powerfully towards her goal, her heart remained behind, folded tightly within a small square of parchment, engraved delicately with his name.




He would have been lying if he said the flight back to the ship was easy.

His muscles burned with fatigue, and each beat of his wings felt heavy and strained. More than once, his grip on Zalas's limp body slackened and he ground his teeth together, forcing his claws to curl back around the other man, holding him secure as he flew. His broken front foot throbbed, but the pain was bearable now that he was in the air. He could feel it mending slowly, so he endured it for now, after all, a broken wrist was the least of his worries.

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