Chapter 32 | Unwilling

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Hi Guys!

Sorry for the delay on this Chapter, I was in the UK for a month and didn't get it uploaded before I left. I intended to upload it while I was on holiday but I couldn't find a good way of writing the end of the Chapter. Personally I blame Obsidian for this, he is not happy with how things are currently going. But I won't spoil anything and I hope you guys enjoy the Chapter!

I hope everyone is looking forward to Christmas,
Much love,
Daisy xox


Chapter 32 | Unwilling


'If Truth & Curiosity ever birthed
    a child
she would be called,
c h a o s
And all the answers to every question
    would dance,
  like the wind in her hair.'




Inside a dimly lit room in the bowels of a Pirate ship a dim lamp flickered, its feeble flame providing just enough illumination to cast a warm glow on the three figures placed around the room. Near the door sat a table where Obsidian lounged, long nimble fingers playing idly with a small hourglass. The sand inside the device barely had time to fall before it was switched back the other way and it stuttered in the middle, confused.

A barely noticeable breeze slithered under the door and the flame inside the lamp danced on cue, the light bouncing off the bars of the cells, coercing elongated shadows to leap a forced ballet across the floor. Down the other end of the room a large mound of ice protruded unnaturally from the wall, glistening wetly in the light.

The hourglass at the mercy of Obsidians whims changed direction in his hand once again, his other hand elegantly propping up his head as he watched the show play out before him. On occasion his eyes would flicker to the woman locked in the cell, as though gauging her reaction, but inevitably he would be drawn back to her.

He ran his tongue across his teeth and pushed down a smug smirk of self-satisfaction. Now was not the time to indulge in his own personal pleasure. However, it was very rare that he was provided with such an opportunity as to watch someone else preform the role of the 'hunter', for want of a better word. Normally it was he who assumed this role, the one who would pry answers from behind tight lipped teeth with the delicate aid of 'other means' once mere words no longer proved sufficiently persuasive.

Any such persuasive words had actually yet to fall from Circe's mouth, all she had been doing was standing still with her back to the cell, but Obsidian thought that he could have cut the tension in the room with a knife.

Obsidian's calculating gaze switched to Jhaer. The woman was an assassin after all and as such, she would not be broken easily. This resolve was reflected in her seemingly unaffected expression as she sat in the middle of the cell with her eyes closed, apparently ignoring the presence of the other two that shared the room with her. There were tell-tale signs though ... obvious only to his well-trained eye. A long moment passed. And then another.

"Well?" Jhaer demanded suddenly, her eyes flashing open to capture Obsidian's gaze as she somehow managed to convey her intentions within that single word alone.

He left her waiting for a moment before a sinister smirk teasingly snuck into the edges of his lips. He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly but condemned her with his eyes. "You're asking the wrong person," he said casually, with an undercurrent of dark humour, "after underestimating her once, I would have thought you would have learnt not to ignore her again."

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