Chapter 42 | Grief and Bloodlust

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Just a short(ish) Chapter to set up for the next one <3
Enjoy x


Chapter 42 | Grief and Bloodlust


The world was on f i r e
and no one could save me
but you.
It's strange what d e s i r e
will make foolish
people do.
I never d r e a m e d,
that I'd meet somebody
like you.
And I never dreamed,
that I'd lose somebody,
like y o u.

- 'Wicked Game', Chris Isaak



Circe rested on the railing of the ship with her eyes set on the dark mass slowly growing larger against the horizon. About an hour ago Obsidian had lent over her shoulder to direct her eyes towards the shape, his voice low in her ear.

"Do you see that, there?" He had guided her line of vision by grasping her wrist and extending her hand out for her, pointing her fingers towards the otherwise unnoticeable blip in the flat line of ocean. "That is where we are headed."

"It's the same as what Anthemin showed you?" She had probed, her fingers twitching with the desire to fly there immediately. But she had to be patient, she had to wait. They had a plan.

"The very same," he had confirmed.

"I want to go now," she had confessed.

He had dropped her hand to encircle an arm around her waist, pulling her back into his chest as though to restrain her. "I know," his voice was tense, and Circe had wondered then if it wasn't so much about him restraining her, but more about restraining himself. "I want to go too."

Obsidian still stood behind her now- they had not moved – both still gazing out at the same place, lost in thought.

"Bones," Cobalt's voice was quiet, but it drew their attention immediately. The other man had appeared silently, and now hovered at the top of the stairs, fingers grasping the railing loosely.

"What is it?" Obsidian asked curtly. His arm around Circe's waist had loosened with time, but now it tightened again possessively. 

Cobalt's silver eyes gleamed as he sent his brother a profound look. Circe couldn't place his expression, but she thought that she had never seen Cobalt look so uncomfortable.

Obsidian sighed, squeezing her again briefly before letting go. "I'll be back," he assured her, swiftly pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Wait here."

She made a noise of agreement, watching them disappear down the stairs to the lower deck and out of sight. The door to the Captains quarters opened, then closed with a snap.

Circe turned to look back out to sea, sighing heavily. The atmosphere on the ship was intense, the whole crew were set on edge and barely anyone spoke as they fulfilled their duties on board. The low, grey cloud from that morning had not lifted, and it lay like a suffocating blanket across the ocean, making the mood even more oppressive.

Circe's fingers beat out an impatient rhythm on the wooden railing as she watched the dot in the distance slowly draw nearer. Her gaze flickered to the person leaning against the same railing, a little further down from where she stood.
Zalas's white eyes had been closed practically ever since Hobbson had finished his recount, but Circe knew better than to think him asleep.

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