Chapter 33 | The Truth Zalas Told

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Merry Christmas!
It is currently 8:38pm here in NZ and I am hoping that because we are ahead of the rest of the world in that aspect, that this will get to most of you as you are still in the middle of, or beginning to wind down your Christmas Day.
Thank GOODNESS I finished this Chapter. Holy sh*t it was hard. But here we are and its a bit heavy but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Much love to you all,
Daisy xx


Chapter 33 | The Truth Zalas Told


'Someone I loved once gave me
a box full of darkness.
It took me years to understand
that this too, was a gift.'

- Mary Oliver



"What do you mean by that?"

In a clearing, the two parties stood opposite each other, overlapping only in the centre where that small space was occupied by two people.

Circe, having just spoken, waited uneasily for Zalas's reply, unable to read even the slightest hint of the words to come from his expressionless face. His regal form was one not unfamiliar to her; Zalas was a Royal through and through, born to sit upon a lonely throne, born to rule, yet at the same time, bound to serve. He carried the weight of his Kingdom, (Circe had always thought,) with the air of one who seemed not to know what heaviness meant.

And yet now, for the first time since she had known him, his stance seemed to waver slightly. A tiredness, reminiscent of his Mother's ancient weariness entered his eyes, his lips turning downwards in corners. Unhappy. Tired. No, not tired but rather, exhausted, defeated. Frustrated. Torn. Sad.
Circe could read the emotions that rested in the planes of his face so easily that it was a wonder that he had been able to hide them to begin with. She wondered what it must be like to be in his place and for a moment she felt a brief flash of pity for this Prince who insisted on shouldering the weight of the world alone, the burden that was his pride leaving no space for offers of help.

"What I mean," Zalas continued, as he seemed to come back to himself somewhat, "is that the truth my Mother told you when you first came to the Air Kingdom, was not the entire truth." Zalas straightened, pulling himself from his thoughts completely and just like that the façade returned and he levelled Circe with a stare that was pure arrogant Zalas. She sighed inwardly, forcing herself to focus instead on what he was saying.

The time he spoke of seemed so long ago that for a moment she struggled to remember what he was referring to, shifting her weight uncomfortably from side to side. She could feel Obsidian's stare, heavy at her back and wished that he would come to stand beside her, instead of hovering behind with his dark aura lapping at her heels.

"Are you referring to when her Highness spoke of my Mother and Father?" Circe felt a sudden twisting in her gut, "she didn't lie about what I am did she?" she asked curtly. That would be the last thing she needed right now. It had taken a long time to come to terms with what she was, and even now she still struggled, if her recent battles with her inner Siren were anything to go by.

Zalas scoffed, "Sorry to tell you Princess, but you are still certifiably not human." He paused and then lifted his gaze to look over her head, his next words directed at the man that stood behind her, radiating hostility in waves. "No, what I am referring to is the information she gave you regarding Zeus Gold."

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