Chapter 31 | Stolen

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Hello lovely people,

Here is the next Chapter for Resurrection. I am very excited to begin this next 'arc' so to speak, as one lovely fan commented on the last chapter, 'the characters need to earn their next break'. I am expecting things to pick up the pace from here onward and have roughly drafted all the events that will happen in the lead up to the end of the story. Rest assured though, the ending is still a while a way as I don't plan on rushing things for the sake of it. 

Someone was also interested in what music I listen to when I am writing and I said it changes depending on the mood, but I have always been very heavily influenced by music while I write. For this particular Chapter I have included the YouTube link to the soundtrack I was listening to below. 

I hope you enjoy the Chapter and as always, love to you all.
Daisy xx


Chapter 31 | Stolen


'We are all made of those who have built and broken us.' 




The evening disappeared languidly around Nathaniel and when no trouble came knocking as time wore on, he had allowed himself to breathe a little easier, his sister's smile opposite him soothing any remaining worries he had.

Said sister had retired some half hour ago, her fatigue showing through her strong exterior and no one had protested when Obsidian had announced they would leave first, pulling Circe up from the armchair with him.

Now, with his stomach full of dinner, Nathaniel stretched out on the couch by the fire, Cobalt mimicking his actions beside him and letting out a yawn.

Lacy, still bright eyed and bushy tailed from the excitement of the day, coaxed Cobalt into playing another game of poker, spouting promises that it would be the last game before bed. As he watched the Pirate deal out their hands, Nathaniel thought about retiring early himself, but the prospect of leaving the warm room full of chatter for his cold bed seemed remarkably unappealing so for the time being he resigned himself to his position for just a little longer.

His head drooped forward a little from where it rested on his hand, eyelids feeling heavy. Cobalt would wake him if he slept, he thought drowsily to himself. However, at that particular moment a cold gush of air that indicated the opening of a door woke him up somewhat and he jerked upright, turning his head swiftly.


It was Cobalt that had spoken, having seen the girl at the same time as Nathaniel and his voice caught her attention, her eyes jumping over to land on their group, even though they had not moved since she had left.

She smiled at them and made a waved her hand at Cobalt, indicating he should continue his game, before crooking her finger at Nathaniel.

"Come outside," she mouthed, her voice not carrying over the hustle and bustle of the bar.

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