Chapter 38 | Time

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Hey Guys!

This Chapter actually ended up being over 12,000 words, (be proud of me please I worked so haaard uwuwuwu (T_T), so I split it into two parts. I'm currently editing the second part and should post it later tonight. 

I hope you're ready for a wild ride!
Happy Easter <3
Love Daisy xx


Chapter 38 | Time


'I assure you,
that when this life ends
and the dust settles,
I will find you
in the n e x t.'

- R. H. Sin



Later that night, after a long, drawn out day of planning, discussing theories, and plotting countermeasures, she found him standing on the small deck off her room, hidden at the back of the ship. The wind off the ocean disturbed his stillness, ruffling the collar of his black cloak and tugging at the hem.


He didn't respond immediately, which was unlike him, but she gave him time, leaning against the door frame with a sigh. Her gaze roamed carelessly over his silhouette and she thought; as she had many times before, just how well he suited the darkness. Volcanic glass. That was what obsidian was in its raw form. The beautiful aftermath of a destructive, deadly explosion. Even his very name encompassed the shadows.

At some point he had turned to her, but she could not read his expression. One of her eyebrows raised in question.


He dragged a hand through his hair, looking away from her and then looking back. She smiled softly and beckoned him towards her, her heart twisting with possessive pleasure when he walked forward easily into reach.

She had not always had such feelings towards him, feeling of wanting to covet and keep him for her eyes alone, but ever since he had come back to her, such thoughts had entered her mind more frequently. She had always seen such emotions in his eyes whenever he looked at her, and she supposed that in a way he had cultivated the same desire inside her as well.

Reaching up, she gently touched the side of his face, her palm unfurling to lay flat against his skin. She smoothed her hand up and into his hair, dragging through the black strands and tugging gently at the ends. His hair was straighter now that it was longer, the weight removing some of the curl. It fell about his shoulders, soft and glossy, like the wing of a raven. She hadn't thought initially that it would suit him, but as it grew longer, he only seemed to become more handsome, the black curtain accentuating his strong jawline.

"Circe," his voice jerked her out of her inner thoughts, he had reached up to catch her wrists, halting her hands in their ministrations. He gathered her wrists together, placing a gentle kiss on the underside. Her heart fluttered unfairly as she watched the purse of his lips and the way his thick eyelashes brushed against his skin as his eyes cast down, before flicking back up to stake her with that golden gaze.

"What's wrong," she whispered, "you can tell me."

He looked torn and she acknowledged that if she had asked him the same question half a year ago he wouldn't have even graced it with a change in expression. Never before had she seen him so unsure of himself. Did his Father really weigh that heavily on his mind?

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