Chapter 14 | Destination

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Hey Guys! Sorry this is a bit of a rushed note - Chapter isn't as long as I would have liked it to be after making you all wait so long - and I also know that it might not be fromt he point of view that you were wanting it to be from!! I hope to have another one up sooon, hope you are all wella nd I love you lots <3
For those of you who aren't on FB I have been moving city, finding a job and havent had internet in my new flat until yesterday (#DEPRIVED) Im also typing this with my contacts out so excuse errors LEL

Love Daisy xxxx



It was still raining. I had my eyes tight shut and I felt her approach but studiously ignored her. "If you think you are getting under here in that state, then you are sorely mistaken."

Sopping wet, she sat down opposite me, wiggling her wet toes in front of my face. She smelt nice, like the rain. "Get your foot out of my face." I scowled, opening my eyes.

Water was sheeting down, but the sun broke through at various intervals, illuminating the clouds and casting rainbows at random. The wind tugged at the edge of my hastily made shelter and I pulled it a little tighter.

She laughed. "Lighten up Zalas, Unabonan says that we have changed course. Anthemin is heading in a different direction now."

I mused to myself from under my tarpaulin. Changed direction so abruptly? Surely that meant that he had met up with someone. Assuming that he was still with Circe, the only person that it made sense for her to come into contact with was that half human brother of hers. I couldn't seem to remember his name, but it didn't really matter. Last time I had seen him, he had been travelling with the other Bones twin. I couldn't remember his name either.

So ... she had joined them again, the very thought made me feel sick to my stomach. I wondered what her next move would be. If she had come into contact with them, surely it wouldn't be long before she re-joined the world and her Mother and my Mother became aware of her whereabouts? Was my perusal needed now? My main objective had been to return her to the world and if she had done it herself, wasn't it better for everyone?

"You aren't thinking about quitting are you?"

My eyes widened with shock as I jerked my gaze up to meet hers. "What did you say?"

She looked back at me steadily, her cheerful expression from a minute ago no-where to be seen. "You heard me. If you quit now just because she turned you away one time, you will regret it. It's a cowardly move Zalas. I didn't know you were a coward."

I gritted my teeth and cursed Unabonan as he chuckled softly. She is right Brother.

"Shut up," I spat out. "I was thinking nothing of the sort. I will not return to the Kingdom until I have gained the Princess's forgiveness."

Suddenly Elika laughed. "I should hope so, otherwise you know, your Mummy wouldn't let you back into the Air Kingdom anyway!"

I flushed bright red as Unabonan joined in on her mirth, his body shaking as he took delight in my embarrassment.

"Don't- don't talk about your Queen that way!" I stuttered furiously, trying to regain my dignity.

"Oh be quiet you big baby, I was just teasing." She smiled sweetly at me, an attempt to lighten my mood I knew, but it didn't work. I glared back at her.

"Do you have a plan this time?"

The sudden question caught me by surprise. "A plan?"

She sighed, resting a hand on her cheek. Her eyes wandering away for a moment before drifting back to me. "You know ... a plan of how you will approach her? Because I'm not sure if you realised, but last time it didn't go too well."

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