Chapter 26 | Beginning to Move

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Hey Guys,

I'll keep this short and sweet because hopefully you've just come from the Prelude to this Chapter so you'll be all up to date. 
Please be kind to my writing. I know I'm horrible for making you wait so long, but it's been a while and my younger, (and slightly insane) world-building self likes to make plot points difficult to pick up again. 
Please note the change in POV. This is on purpose and was explained in the Prelude to this Chapter :)
Anything else, feel free to let me know! (My spelling is probably shit somewhere) 

Love Daisy x 


Chapter 26 | Beginning to Move


Viargo: (n.) a strong, brave, or warlike woman; 
a woman who demonstrates exemplary
and heroic qualities. 


For Circe, the Wattpad Heroine of 2011. 



He woke seamlessly, as though sleep had never been a barrier to begin with, instantly alert and conscious of the presence lingering outside their door. His eyes narrowed, top lip curling in distaste and as though she could sense his anger, the soft form in his arms curled closer, a sigh whispering out from between her lips. He gripped her closer for a moment before his hold reluctantly loosened and he slid out from between the sheets, rising to his feet and reaching for his robe.

The only sound he made as he left the room was the soft puff of air the door emitted as it closed snugly into place behind him. The frozen air hit him immediately, but he was not fazed, instead he focused on the figure that stood opposite him, her slight figure hidden by thick clothes. He hoped her attire at this time of morning meant that she planned to leave.

He grunted in her general direction before turning and striding away. When he deemed them far enough from Circe's room that she would not waken from whatever was about to transpire, he turned to face the woman he hated.

Refusing to speak he stared her down, his eyes unnervingly luminescent in the dim morning light. She was the one who had pulled him from his bed, she could damn well be the one to speak first. The silence grew uncomfortably long, and he could feel his patience growing thin. A muscle in his jaw twitched involuntarily.

"Obsidian ..." Jhaer's voice did not hold its usual edge, although an undercurrent of wariness remained. Just hearing her speak his name caused his gut to twist uncomfortably, he hoped she would hurry up and spit it out.

She seemed to take his silence as permission to continue when really, he was struggling to summon a valid reason as to why he had even given her the chance to speak to him in the first place. He should have just ignored her and stayed in bed.

"Obsidian, I just wanted a chance to tell you the truth-

His stared hardened at her choice of words and she swallowed but soldiered on.

"-the truth about what happened."

Her arms were down at her sides, but he did not rule out knives hidden in her sleeves. As he had originally suspected, something was off about her. She seemed ... uncomfortable. He was tempted to believe that she was finally displaying her true emotions, but he knew her better. If anything, it was just another act, not that he really cared – his patience, (not that there had been any to begin with,) was wearing tiresomely thin.

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