The Prelude to Chapter 26

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So it's been almost two years and I'm officially the worst (points at self). I have been very on and off with APK ever since I began & graduated University, but this is probably the longest Hiatus yet and I apologies for not providing you with more warning.

I hope you have all been well, (sincerely I do,) and I want to extend a huge thank-you to all of the lovely messages I received, requesting I continue on with the story. Some I replied to and some I didn't, but all were appreciated and, believe it or not, motivated me to continue writing this Chapter that I have been typing on and off for the last two years (yup that's right, I literally could not write it.) 

During this time I had a massive war with my past (and a lot younger self) and upon re-reading APK decided I hated all of it, that it was far too immature, my writing style had changed, blah, blah, blah ... anyway I managed to move past it for the sake of continuing the story, however the perspective has currently changed in order to suit my current writing style and (hopefully) help me to be able to continue on with the story. 

I never planned to leave this story unfinished for you all, I have just had a little trouble along the way. Rest assured, APK does and will have an ending, however when that ending will arrive is currently uncertain. Here is a short Plot summary for you all and I hope you enjoy the next Chapter. 

As always, much love to you all,
Daisy xx


Prelude to the Chapter

The writer sat in her bed with her legs propped up just so, the laptop wedged between the stomach and the duvet that covered her knees. Her headphones were jammed firmly over her ears, her chin sunk deep into her chest and she stared stoically at the screen, one hand exposed to the cold as she scrolled down and down and down some more.
Her eyes flickered down to the right-hand corner of the screen. The digital clock read 11:16 and she had been procrastinating for the last who knew how long. She tapped the Pinterest icon on her browser and clicked into her writing prompt board, still scrolling.
She let out a frustrated sigh and sunk further back into her pillow. It was cold and she had a headache. Her eyes flickered quickly across the screen, scanning through the mass of text that rolled by her. Suddenly her scrolling stopped and she paused before clicking to enlarge an image. She was quiet as she read through the text before heaving another sigh. She rubbed at her face and the other half an eyebrow she had drawn on at 7am that morning smudged further up her forehead.

"I really need to find headphones that don't crush my ears," She groused, clicking on the YouTube icon in her browser. The familiar sight popped up and she found her writing playlist.

She sighed and opened a new word document, squinting against the blinding white of the screen. "Well okay then," she muttered to herself. "I hope they're ready, 'cause this sh*t is about to get real f*cking dark." She hummed a random tune as her fingers began to fly over the keyboard like they had never left it. "Let's start with a recap shall we?"

She paused for a moment before heaving her laptop to the side and flinging the covers back. "But first, where the hell are my headphones??"


The re-cap the Author wrote.

Circe, Obsidian, and main crew along with Nathaniel, have currently found port in a Winter town, somewhere far North of the Water Kingdom. Originally this was a random destination, however the town also seems to be a random destination for other more unsavoury characters ...

Anthemin has taken up residence in a cave on the shore of the town and has noticed a strange presence out at sea which he led Obsidian and Cobalt to in the last Chapter. The three observed a column of fire shooting up into the sky and an ominous reptilian silhouette.

Jhaer is an assassin who used to reside on Obsidian's crew before he met Circe. She has been discreetly following the crew since Port Savannah and claims to want to serve Circe, but Circe believes her to have an ulterior motive.

Zalas is currently sulking on an island, close to, but far enough away from the Winter town. He is currently persuading/ trying to pinpoint the location of Aranel with little to no luck. However, Unabonan is patient where his brother is not.

The last time we saw Aranel she was present on a rocky outcrop in the middle of the ocean. There she appeared to have a hideout of sorts, concealed within the fissure between the two rocks. Her companion was Tobias, Nathaniel's twin brother, (the missing one) as well as two mysterious prisoners, confined within a separate jail cells that had been built into he rock. Tobias was watching over a dragon's egg.

Ambrose has not been heard from since he returned to the Water Kingdom after failing to convince Circe to return.

Katarina, a Water Sprite with ill-intentions towards Zalas and Circe due to a bitter history with both characters, was last seen speaking to Hobson's wife, Aisling, in secret. Katarina's whereabouts are currently unknown.

Other Characters:

Samson and Jacob: Two important figures on Obsidian's ship. Both from the original crew.
Lacy: Circe's friend from Port Savannah
Leonardo: Came with Lacy. Originally first mate of Lacy's Father's crew.
Hobson: A long suffering crew mate on Obsidian's ship that has to put up with everyone shit and sort out their messes. Originally part of Zeus Gold's crew. Before that he was, (and still is,) and informant for Queen Evangeline and a skilled merman.

Nathaniel: Circe's human half-brother
Jack: The bar owner from Port Savannah. Is soft for Cherry.
Cherry: The matriarch of Port Savannahs entertainment industry. Has a soft spot for Jack

Zarska: The Dragon Obsidian fused with
Nelonimi: The Mother of Zarska. Currently allied with Aranel.
Unabonan: Prince of Dragons, Brother of Zalas
Elika: Zalas's childhood friend. An Air Sprite Warrior and excellent markswoman.

Airocei Etheral: Air Kingdom Queen
Evangeline Deuaich: Water Kingdom Queen

Darius Greyson: Lycan King
Janna Thoran: Elven Queen
Both of these Rulers are currently experiencing issues with Shifter, (Lycan & human half -breed) rebellion, an insurgence that started during the Earth Kingdom's banishment. The Shifters intend to wipe out the pure-blooded Lycan race and are trying to first breach the Elven Kingdom to steal magic and power from the Elves in order to do so. 

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