Chapter 12 | Bad Feelings

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Hi all!! I hope this chapter finds you all well and enjoying the New Year wherever you are in the world! As I said on Facebook, I'm sorry for not being able to post sooner, I found a summer job but didn't quite expect the amount of hours I would be working! Certainly hasn't left much time for anything other than sleep and eat haha :) 

Anyway! I got there eventually and hope to continue posting chapters as soon as I can, 
Lots of Love,
Daisy xx




A huge cheer rose up from the two boats as we heard the call. We had been at the sea for a long time now and although our supplies were depleted, they weren't low enough to make me seriously worry. We would be able to top up once we arrived. Nathaniel's home town had been further away than I had remembered and even with Hobbson and Nathaniel's guidance, it had still taken longer than expected to finally have the small town in sight.

I took a moment to take in the sight of it, Circe's manor, standing up on the hill behind tall walls of stone, was a familiar sight, although I had only seen it at night-time I remembered the day I had come to collect her like it was only yesterday. I knew that it would only be Nathaniel and his crew going ashore so there would be no chance of me or Hobbson being spotted. I looked up at the flag, the Pirate colours had been replaced with the Water Kingdom ones, a good disguise as the flag was foreign to both raiders and friendly parties.

"Prepare to dock boys!" I called out cheerfully. "And may we feast tonight!"

Spirits aboard the ship were high and I left Samson in charge of the crew as I went to find Amaryllis. She wasn't in any of the usual places so on a whim I check Obsidian's room. The door creaked open slowly and I slipped inside, coughing a little. The air was musty and a thin layer of dust covered everything. I sighed, noticing that the mermaid door was open, the pretty glass in need of polishing.

I opened it fully and stepped into the hallway. A breath of sea air breezed through the open door at the end and I followed it. Sure enough, there she was, standing outside on the little balcony that Obsidian had built for Circe.

My voice was a little rough as I spoke. "What are you doing out here, you know that I don't like anyone coming in here."

She turned around, her black hair flying out and looked startled. Upon seeing me, her face softened into an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry," She said softly, turning back to the ocean. "I was just thinking about Circe and I wound up here. I didn't touch anything in your brother's room, I promise."

"Mmph," I grumbled, moving to wrap my arms around her. She was easy to forgive. "And what was on your mind?"

She waved a hand. "Oh nothing really,"

I laughed at the lack of conviction in her voice. "You're a terrible liar."

She turned suddenly and I was startled to see that her eyes were wide and a little watery. I gripped her arms, instantly concerned.

"Liss, whatever is the matter?"

She wiped her eyes a let out a laugh that was mixed with a sob. "You'll think I'm being silly."

"Never." I kissed her forehead gently. "Just tell me."

"Well it's just ... the further we get away from my home, the more I miss it. And I was just thinking about how Circe left hers and hasn't really found one since. Now she is all alone and it's just ... she must feel so lonely." She shuddered and I pulled her close to me, burying my face in her hair.

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