Chapter 22 | Feelings of the Heart and Jealous Tantrums

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This Chapter is about 10% plot line and 90% fan service if I'm perfectly honest. It most certainly is NOT A BRIBE in order for you guys to forgive a two month absence. *coughs* 

If I'm honest, I'm finding this story harder and harder to write at the moment and that's probably because I'm not quite sure where I want it to go from here. I have a vague idea of where I'm working towards but I feel like the plot has gotten a little wishy washy and  I haven't really decided yet how to fix it. 

And so in the mean time I present you with this Chapter - longer than usual and with the characters perhaps showing some feelings that are a little unusual for them, but hey, fan service is fan service right?! ;) 

I hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas/ New Year and that 2017 is treating you at least a little better that 2016 did! 

Love Always,

Daisy xox



I was back inside the dungeon. The blackness was absolute, darker than I had ever remembered it being. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face but a chain clanked around my ankle, the grinding metallic sound grating through the silence. My breathing came in short panicked gasps as I blindly looked around, my eyes stretched wide in desperation as they searched for any kind of light. I felt as though I was literally drowning in the darkness, the thickness of it clogged my lungs with every breath until it spilled back up out of my throat and my nostrils.

And then the wailing began.

My breath shortened and paused for a moment as my mind recognised the same sound that had tipped me to the edge of insanity last time. The high strangling keen continued on and on and on and on until it had wriggled into my brain and now it was rattling around in my head and even though I clamped my hands tight over my ears, the sound was still there, piercing and persistent.

My lips shaped soundless words that fell on equally deaf ears. "Stop, please, just stop."

"And why should I?"

That voice. I opened my eyes again but still there was nothing to see and the wailing continued in the background, eating into my bones, knawing away at my brain like an insect.

"So helpless," The voice said coldly, "You are such a disappointment, to think that I ever allowed such a snivelling brat like you to take my life."

There was a scratching sound and a flicker of flame appeared, the dim light shining like the sun before my light depraved pupils. I shrank back automatically against the damp dungeon walls, the coolness shocking my exposed flesh. His face appeared out of the gloom, eerily lit by the flame that wavered inside the lantern he was holding.

My Father looked disdainfully down at me, his lips twisting into a sneer of disgust. He reached out with one hand to yank the bars of my cell aside, the lantern light flickering in his free hand as it swung back and forth. He stepped forward into my cell, his body looming over me as his form twisted in the shadows, his face morphing as well until a demon looked back at me. No, not just a demon, he was the Devil himself and I was trapped in my own personal hell. His fingers resembled talons as he reached out to squeeze my throat and drag me forward, bringing me closer to his terrifying face.
The shrieking keen was so loud in my ears now that it felt like the person or beast emitting the noise was standing right beside me, hidden only by the darkness that dwelled on the edges of the lanterns flame. My teeth jarred together as he slammed my head back against the stone wall of the cell and then suddenly the flame went out, plunging me back into the void.

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