Chapter 43 | Bittersweet

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Hi everyone!

I hope you have all been well. Many apologies for the long wait, as I explained on my Wattpad profile and the Facebook fan-page, there was an explosion of 'busy' in my everyday life and I had to put this Chapter down for an extra week, (I originally intended to have it up last Wednesday), so sorry for that! 

This Chapter is another long one and you'll be please to know the next one is underway. Hopefully you wont be waiting as long for it! 

Much love,
Daisy xox

P.S This is very unedited so sorry for any mistakes x


Chapter 43 | Bittersweet



(n.) a place into which you can disappear,
a hiding place.



"Here you go."

"Thank you."

Circe smothered a yawn, accepting the hot drink from Lacy gratefully. She cradled the cup with both hands, the warmth from the ceramic seeping into her cold palms. Her gaze remained on the person occupying the single wooden bed in the small room.

Lacy sighed, sitting down on the floor next to her chair. She leaned her head against Circe's thigh, the weight a comforting one.

"At least he's back," Lacy mumbled.

Circe forced back the lump in her throat and nodded her head jerkily in assent. "Yes, you're right." The words were positive, but when Circe spoke them, she felt as though they fell flat, dropping like bricks to the floor at her feet.

Deafening silence consumed the room once more, punctured only by Nathaniel's steady breathing. Suddenly aware of the cup in her hands, Circe hastily took a sip and flinched a little as the boiling liquid scalded her throat. She coughed, the harsh noise echoing through the room.

Lacy's head lifted, "Are you okay?"

Even though Circe knew she was over thinking, Lacy's words seemed to hold a double meaning. She coughed again, forcing herself to swallow past the burn in her throat. Her eyes began to water and hastily she wiped the tears away before they had a chance to fall.

She could not allow herself to cry yet. There was an ache in her heart that told her once she started, she would not be able to stop.

"I'm fine," she rasped, blowing on the tea before taking another cautious sip. Slightly cooler this time, the liquid went down smoothly, and she regained her composure, focusing on stilling her trembling hands until the sting in her eyes had passed. "I'm fine," she repeated aimlessly.

From the corner of her eyes she saw Lacy pause, before nodding slowly. Her friend turned back to look at Nathaniel and her next words were stilted, as though she was afraid to breach the subject.

"What are you going to do with ..."

Her words trailed off, but Circe easily picked up her meaning. There was only one person she could be referring to after all. Circe felt the traitorous prick in her eyes return, threatening to undo the self-control she had so carefully crafted.

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