Chapter 25 | A Mysterious Night

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Hi Guys! 

I hope you are all doing well. The video above is the soundtrack I listened to the most while writing this Chapter and in particular for one part, (which I'm sure you'll be able to pick out as you read). 
I am slowly working towards the conclusion of this story, although I'm not super certain as to how I will wrap things up yet. A few of you have been super helpful lately with writers block suggestions and writing prompts and I want to thank you for that!! 

Certainly, this is becoming more difficult to write as it reaches its end, although I think it probably has something to do with me realizing how many plot holes/ flaws it has as I continue and half wishing I could just start all over again!

There are a couple of perspective changes throughout this chapter and I apologize for that! Some things are better written from a different perspective and hey, if it helps me spit the chapter out then I'm sure you wont complain too much ;) 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy. 
Love always,

Daisy xox



I tapped my half empty stein on the bar rhythmically, half an ear listening to Nathaniel and Hobbson's conversation, with the other half of my mind swirling in turmoil.
My fist clenched a little tighter as I replayed the look on Circe's face over and over again in my mind. The hurt had been easy to read on her features. Hurt that I had put there.

I gritted my teeth. Jhaer was already causing unrest and she had barely been here one night. Even though Hobbson's welcome had been mostly an act for the benefit of keeping a close eye on her, still the way she had so readily accepted his good will had pissed me off. As if we would welcome her back so easily after her betrayal. For whatever reasons, betrayal was betrayal and if I was this conflicted about her sudden appearance then god only knew how Obsidian was dealing with it.

True, it wouldn't have been difficult for me to give Circe some back story, and even now as I thought over the circumstances surrounding her question, I should have realised something was off. It wasn't like her to ask such an intrusive question, and true she had tried to approach it casually, but there had been an uncertainty in her voice that wasn't normally there and her eyes had been too unwilling to meet my own.
Damn it!
I should have just told her. After my reaction, who knew what kind of conclusions she had drawn?
One assumption in particular came to mind and I swore again, this time aloud.


"Woah there," Nathaniel laughed, clapping me on the back, "I know that can't be a reaction to anything that I've said at least."

"Sorry," I replied, dragging a hand over my face and finding my smile again, "I wasn't listening."

"It's okay," He shrugged. "It wasn't about anything important anyway. Do you want more beer? You're almost out."

I tried to smile again but it didn't really work. "Nah, I'm pretty tired, I might head to bed."
Circe might not be asleep yet, if I could find her maybe I could offer an explanation as an apology. I downed the rest of the beer and pushed my stool away from the bar.

"Suit your-self," Nathaniel said cheerfully, "Hey old man! Fancy another round?"

"Watch who you're calling 'old', boy," Hobbson grumbled in the background.

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