Chapter 52 | Daybreak

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Hello Everyone!

As I posted on my profile and the face-book fan page - apologies for my absence, I really needed this month to get the rest of the story out without interruptions, so that I could see how much writing I had left. 

It is now official, APKR has an ending. 

I will be posting this Chapter (52), as well as Chapter 53, and 54 right now, and then I will post the final Chapter (55) tomorrow once I'm happy with the editing- because let's face it, would you still love me the same if I DIDN'T leave you with a cliffhanger?

These Chapter's may seem a little more fast-paced than the rest of the story, but this is not because I've rushed it - but because many of the place's Circe is returning to, she has travelled before. So I hope you enjoy it!

I also have an epilogue that is drafted, and I will edit that this week and post it as well

I won't say too much more, but if you enjoy, please remember to vote on the Chapters as you read <3 Thank-you kindly!

Much love,


Chapter 52 | Daybreak 


(n.) a blank space, a missing part.



Circe was still tight in her Father's embrace when the door to the throne room opened once again and Evangeline exited, her face pale, her expression carefully blank.

Zephyr pulled away slightly, allowing Circe a moment to wipe her eyes before turning to face her Mother. He caught up one of Circe's hands in his own and gave it a light squeeze.

Looking at her Mother, Circe opened her mouth, but found that she had no idea of what to say. It appeared that Evangeline didn't either and the silence between them became increasingly awkward.

What was there to say really? They both knew where the other stood. Circe had never wished for her relationship with her Mother to be like this. And yet, in the short time they had known each other, this is what it had become.

And what was almost worse, was that Circe found that she was okay with it. Surprisingly. Did that make her a bad person? She didn't think so. She didn't expect her Mother to apologize, but she certainly wasn't going to apologize either.

Evangeline eventually cleared her throat and looked towards the doors that led to the balcony beyond. "We should not keep the people waiting," she said quietly.

Circe's heart jumped into her throat, but her worries were immediately soothed as Zephyr spoke. "We have decided to share my return with the Public instead," he clarified quickly for her. "The content of the address was not made known to them. They will not realize that anything is amiss." He offered Circe a small smile, which she returned gratefully.

"I thought they didn't know about the two of you though?" She looked between her parents quizzically.

"I think they have known for longer than we think," Zephyr gave a light chuckle, "but with everything that was happening at the time, it was not convenient to challenge Royal tradition as well as trying to fight a war. And then with my disappearance ..." he trailed off, looking towards Evangeline whose tense expression softened slightly at his words.

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