Chapter 44| (Un)alike

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Hi all,

Sorry for the wait - this Chapter was hard to write, (maybe because I found these two hard to navigate without Circe around to mediate them lol,) and although it didn't end where I wanted it to, I thought I'd just post it anyway because I've made you all wait too long already.

I've been asked a lot when the series is going to end and over the past month I've been planning out the Chapters to help with the writers block and I think the end is finally in sight. So with this being said I think there maybe be roughly 5-7 chapters left, depending on how long they are? And then I have some extras planned too - maybe 2-3 of these?

I've also been considering what to do once the book is finished because I don't want to give up writing! I have some things planned in my writing bank, but due to frequent updates being an issue for me, I'm trying to work on remedying this before letting you guys in on the secret, (which I hope you are going to love.)

I hope that you are all safe and well and managing okay whether in or out of lock-down.
Much love as always,


Chapter 45 | (Un)alike


'Take the mask
o f f
when you speak
m e .'

- (unknown source.)



This is the worst idea I have ever had.

"You're telling me," Zalas' reply was snarky, "the only reason I agreed to this is because no-one else is present to bear witness to this humiliation."

You say it like it wasn't you who suggested it in the first place, Obsidian snapped back.

Zalas ignored him. "Under no circumstance is anyone to hear about this. Ever. Do you understand me?"

Obsidian twisted his draconian head around to bite irritably at the arrogant Prince on his back. Much to his annoyance, Zalas didn't flinch at all, even as Obsidian's teeth snapped close mere centimetres from his face.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

"Get your face out of my face," Zalas hissed, "your breath stinks."

Obsidian's jaw opened and he exhaled forcibly in Zalas's direction. The Air Nymph swiftly used an air current to divert the stench, his eyes narrowing.

"What are you, a child? Focus on where you're flying."

The only reason you're even coming is because you blackmailed me. Obsidian was furious. He had managed to avoid everyone else, but at the last second who should appear but this fucking bag of shit. And out of everything Zalas could have said in that moment, the first words out of his mouth were,

"If you don't take me with you, I'll tell Circe."

"I have just as much right to go there as you," Zalas replied imperiously.

Then why, Obsidian shot back irately, don't you fly there yourself? Oh wait, he snickered, you can't.

"What did you say?!" Zalas spat out, grinding his heel into Obsidian's black scales. "Don't test me."

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