Digby x Reader(Female) Part 1

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I let out a small sigh, as my feet stepped through the white fluffy snow. I looked at the small, red ribbon-covered box in my hands. I smiled warmly as thoughts of a special someone flooded my mind.

I imagined Digby offering me his coat on a chilly winter day. He would offer me some comfort in these harsh times.

Not to mention, today is Digby and Isabelle's birthday! I wish I could wish him a happy birthday... But I will after work, as long as it doesn't take too long!

Digby and I always hung out together, even when we were kids. I've always had a small crush on him, but I could never tell him.

But then we grew up. We had to get different jobs that were far away from each other. I work at the town hall, he works at Nook's Homes©. Designing was always his biggest passion.

We still hang out a lot! But I wish we would hang out more...Oh well...

I opened the doors of the town hall to be greeted by an ecstatic Isabelle. "Good afternoon, Mayor (Y/N)", she cheered. Geez, I didn't even realize it was the afternoon! I spent all day finding the perfect gift.

"Good morning Isabelle!", I replied, placing the present on my desk. I wanted to make sure nothing happened to it for later.

"Any work today?", I asked, removing my heavy winter coat and light (F/C) mittens. "Well, Some residents want a public fountain for the town, some are upset by the early-bird ordinance you set into place, and it's tax day."

I let out a small sigh. Today was going to be a long day...


I was extremely tired. Not because I didn't get enough sleep, but because we had so much work to do. There were a dozen stacks of papers left!

I looked at the clock, hoping this night would end. Holy carp! It was almost midnight! Digby had to be asleep by now...

I looked over at Isabelle, who was working much harder and faster than I was. I couldn't help but find myself leaving reality, as my mind wandered.

I looked back at all the days Digby and I hung out. The beach, the movies, the carnival. He would take me everywhere. I always asked him why, and he always gave me the same answer. "Because you're my friend!"

Is that all we'll ever be? Friends? I wish I could repay him for everything he's done for me. Hopefully, this gift would do that!

As I thought about how handsome and funny Digby was, I heard Isabelle shout my name. "MAYOR (Y/N)!!!" I jumped out of my chair, landing right on my face.

I heard Isabelle shriek as she ran over to help me up. "I am so so so so so sorry!! I didn't mean to startle you!", she rambled on about how sorry she was. "It's alright.", I groaned, rubbing my face with my hands.

"Why were you so out of it? You were even blushing a little." I immediately thought of Digby and started blushing again. "No reason!", I shouted. Isabelle gave me a skeptical look.

Wanting to change the subject, I noticed the giant stack of presents near Isabelle's desk. How the bell did I not notice that before?! "Where did those come from?", I asked pointing behind her.

She turned around and noticed the stack of presents. "I don't really know...", she muttered. I gave her a questioning look. She quickly replied, "Apparently, I'm sort of famous, and people just love getting me gifts for my birthday."

"But where will you put all of those presents?", I asked. "I don't know.", she muttered. "My room's messy enough as it is. Digby would freak out if it got any messier! He hates filth."

Remembering Digby, I immediately started blushing again.

Isabelle ignored the blushing mess in front of her and looked at the box on my desk. "Who is that for?", she asked. "Uh...Digby...", I replied, still blushing.

Oh my cod, how would Isabelle react if she found out I had a huge crush on her brother?! "Do you want to go give it to him?", she responded. I gave her a confused expression.

"But, what about the paperwork?", I asked. "It's alright. I got an hour of sleep last night, so I'm still full of energy!" I just chuckled at Isabelle's innocence, but I also felt a little bad.

"No, I could never ask you to do that.", I replied, dragging my feet back to my desk. Isabelle stopped me by grabbing my hand with her paw.

"It's okay.", she spoke softly. "Just go tell my bro you like him already!" I was petrified to think that she knew all along, but Isabelle just laughed at my expression.

I embraced her in a hug. "Thanks, Isabelle.", I said. "Hurry up before he goes home!", she insisted. I nodded in agreement as I grabbed my coat, boots, etc.

Once I was ready, I grabbed the gift and ran outside, with Isabelle waving goodbye. I was finally gonna tell Digby how I really felt!

So, change of plans. Part 2 will be released tomorrow. Wattpad crashed and deleted everything I wrote, so I had to start over. Welp...Anyway, I'm back. And believe me, you WILL want to see the next chapter. It's almost kinda sad. But also heartwarming. If you don't believe me, you can check it out for yourself later. Thanks for reading. Digby's P.O.V. tomorrow. Bye, for now!👋

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