Rosie x Reader(Gender Neutral) Part 2

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Requested by: Part 1 of the story ;p

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I opened my eyes slowly, my head pounding. I was in a weird house. The walls were covered in pink wallpaper, they were pink dressers and I was laying on a red polka-dot bed.

I started to get up when a familiar face ran over to me. "(Y/N)!", Rosie shouted, as she ran over to my side. She embraced me with a big hug, causing me to groan a little, from the pain.

"Sorry!", she immediately backed away. "Don't get up! You need to rest." She looked worried, but also like...she was crying? "Rosie...", I muttered, my throat dry. "Were you crying?"

Her ears dropped as she looked away from me. She looked like she was still fighting to hold back tears. "I-I was just worried about you...", she mumbled, sounding like she was apologizing for doing something wrong.

I hated this sight. I had NEVER seen Rosie be sad, never mind crying. I just wanted to hold her and protect her. She backed away from me, and towards the door. "I'll see if Tom Nook is selling any medicine.", she mumbled, her ears still drooping.

I slowly got up from the bed, trying not to hurt myself further. Rosie noticed and quickly ran to me. "(Y/N)!", she yelled. "You have to rest!"

At this point, I grabbed her by the paws, causing a slight blush to form on her face. "I'll be okay...", I whispered, moving closer to Rosie, causing her blush to glow darker. "...As long as you are okay!" "Wh-Wh-What d-do you m-mean?", she stuttered, her face starting to sweat.

"What I mean is,", I began to explain. "You're always so happy and chipper, and I have no idea how you do it! How are you never sad, or unhappy, or affected by disappointment at all?"

She looked at me, with the most innocent look I have ever seen on a person, which made my heart beat faster. "The truth is...", she sighed, looking away from me. I grabbed her cheek and turned her head to face me. "You can tell me.", I spoke softly, making sure to show her comfort.

"The truth is, I'm not always happy." She looked sadder now, which hurt me deeply. "I'm only happy when I'm near you." This almost hurt a little. Was she faking being happy, just to make me happy? As if she read my mind, she immediately started talking again.

"I'm happy when I'm near you...because you make me happy!" 'What?' "Some people say I'm always a little too happy, so much so that it's annoying. But that's because I had hung out with you, so I'd be super happy for the rest of the day! But when I see you sad or hurt, or even the slightest bit upset, I'm sad for the rest of the day."

I...I didn't know what to say. I had so many questions, so many things to tell her, but I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. "And now you're hurt, and I feel terrible. Like I should've done something.", she finished, as she looked down in shame.

I held her paws tighter, making her flinch a little. Not out of pain. Out of...surprise. She looked at me, with the cutest, "What are you doing?" face.

"Please don't be sad.", I pleaded, my voice cracking, tears forming in my eyes. "It's not your fault. And so what if people don't like you're so happy all the time? Even I don't think I could be that happy 24/7."

I sniffled, holding back tears, from the pain. The pain of seeing Rosie sad, and the pain of falling down a hill. I continued.

"It's okay to be happy. It's great, in fact! You just need to be yourself. And it's okay to be sad too, once in a while." She looked at me, confused. "It can be hard, being happy that long. It's okay if you've got a shoulder to cry on.", I continued.

"I'll be that shoulder. Because it hurts to see you sad. Of all the things people had said to me, done to me, those things never hurt as much as you right now." She looked even sadder. "So I'm the reason you're in pain?", she choked, tears rolling down her face.

"That's not what I meant!", I quickly replied. "I meant it hurts to see you sad, but it's okay. Crying can be healthy for you. To just let it all out, is good for you." "But I don't want you to see me like this! Not if it hurts you.", she whimpered a reply.

"What hurts the most, is that you think I will think of you differently, or something. I don't care. I'm here for you, I always will be. Please don't hide your feelings from me!", I responded, tears now falling down my face.

And then...she cried. Rosie cried, right there in my arms, and I cried in hers. It felt good to let out all the pain and sorrow. It felt bad, but nice and calm, at the same time.

I would always be there for her! She would always be there for me! We would be there for each other. That's what friends do!...friends...maybe...we could be more?... I have to tell her. We would never hide anything from each other ever again!

I lifted my head, making Rosie lift hers. "Feel better?", I asked her. "A little.", she replied, a small smile forming on her face. I giggled. "What's so funny", she asked. "I missed that smile."

This caused her to blush. "D-don't change the subject!", she muttered, causing me to laugh a little. "I...", she looked at me, confused. "Nevermind...", I sighed, causing her to become worried.

"Don't worry!", I quickly replied. "I have something to tell you, but...maybe now isn't the best time?" She looked at what we were doing and nodded her head in agreement.

We were just crying. Now isn't the right time. I will tell her...eventually...Maybe tomorrow? I loved her, I'm not afraid to admit that. But I have to find the right time. Don't worry. It'll be soon~

I hope this was as emotional for you as it was for me! I'm sorry about the cliffhanger. If you guys want, I can make a part 3. If it gets popular. It's up to you! See you next time! Bye, for now!👋

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