For struggling authors(like me)

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If you only read books and have never written a book, walk away now.  Gone?  Good!

For all of these struggling authors out there, especially on this app, always remember that you're not alone.  There are thousands, if not millions of people just like you.

Take me, for example.  I'm lazy and don't like doing too much work.  However, I do love what I do.  But sometimes I feel like I just don't want to do it.

Sometimes when it comes to writing stories, you tend to worry about time.  Everybody does.  But the trick is to just write a story!  What I mean is, to just write it, and finish it on your own time, even if it takes years.

Sometimes you can worry about disappointing your fans.  Don't worry about that!  All you need to do is write what makes you happy!  If it doesn't make someone else happy?  That's okay too.  Everybody is different!

Sometimes you can see people who really don't like what you do.  And that's okay.  You can't make everyone happy.  If you try to make everyone happy, you'll start to lose sight of what makes you happy...

I hope this helped.  If you ever have doubts, just remember.  It happens to everyone.  No matter how much they brag.  This happens to every writer.  Even the big writers.

Even if you don't become a big writer someday, it's alright.  Somewhere in the world, someone has to like what you do.  Even if that someone is you!

Feeling other's appreciation is good, but you know what feels even better?  Appreciating yourself!

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