Jack x Reader Remake(Gender Neutral)

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Requested by: ryrycookie

It was Halloween night.  The cheerful sounds of Trick-or-Treaters filled the air.  I took a whiff of air, the scent of sweet candy filled my lungs.  I let out a small sigh as I began wrapping bandages around my body.  Usually, I decide to go all-out with my Halloween costumes, but for this year I felt like going for a more simple aesthetic.  And what's more simple than a mummy?

Finishing up prepping my costume, I began my journey to collect as much candy as possible!  This is the only day when candy is available, after all.  It was practically pitch-black outside, the only light sources being the Jack-o-lanterns that lined the street, and the dim light shining off the moon.

I talked to all my neighbors, dressed up in their costumes, finding candy left and right.  Thump!  "Oh, sorry Lucky", I apologized to the bandage-covered dog, his eyes glowing a bright yellow in the dark sky.  "Oh, it's fine, (Y/N)!", he replied.  "Say," I began changing the subject.  "Nice costume.  It looks pretty realistic."

"Uh, thanks", he spoke with a small chuckle.  "What costume?"  Uh...  I chuckled nervously as I slowly backed away.  "Er, never mind.  See you later!"  He waved goodbye as I quickly shuffled away.

The night was almost over.  What little light emanating from the Jack-o-lanterns was now almost completely gone, as was the fading moon.  I might have stayed out a little later than I thought.  As I counted all the candy stashed away in my pockets, an eerie cold feeling began to dwell on me.  I took a moment to look at my surroundings.  Nothing but vast, empty stretches of land filled my view, or from what little I could see at least.  Oh boy...  I think I'm lost!

Panic began to set in as I quickly thought about the various things that could happen to me out in the middle of nowhere.  I don't get it!  This island is pretty darn small.  HOW DID I GET LOST?!  Okay, calm down...  I took a deep breath and looked at my situation again.  Ok, this is a small island.  I should be able to find my way back easily.

I breathed a small silent sigh of relief as I began walking, constantly assuring myself things will be okay.  About a few minutes in, panic began to set in again.  I've tried walking in the same direction until I found SOMETHING, but it just feels like I've been going in circles.  There is no way this is actually happening to me.  Is this some kind of trick or something?

As if reading my mind, a puff of black clouds appeared in front of me!  An evil, wicked laugh echoed from all around me.  The black clouds dispersed, revealing a dark figure, dressed in a dark blue, almost grey, cloak.  A carved-out pumpkin adorned the mysterious figure, fully conceiling their identity.

"Who dares enter my domain?", a voice boomed.  I couldn't process enough thought to put any of my thoughts into words, my nerves got the better of me.  The figure moved closer, their feet(assuming they had feet under that cloak) hovered above the ground.  "Well?!  Do you have any idea who I am?"

My body still shaking, I tried to shake my head a firm no.  The figure moved closer still, their face(Er, pumpkin?) an inch away from mine.  Dead silence filled the air, every breath feeling like an eternity.

"Well, I'm Jack!  Nice to meet you!"  The figure's voice suddenly became soft and innocent, filled with glee.  They extended their hand, offering an official greeting.  The sudden change caught me off guard, my heart was still pounding...  What just happened???

"Hey!", the figure, er Jack I guess, spoke.  "I gotcha good, didn't I?"  My heart rate slowly decreasing, I began to collect my thoughts.  "That was you?", I asked.  "Yep!  Master of illusions.  That's me!"  Jack clearly took great pride in his work.  How could he not.  However he was able to pull this off, whether it be a trick or actual magic, it was super effective.

"Er, sorry.  But it IS Trick-or-Treat after all"  Ah.  I guess that makes sense.  "Sorry again for the scare.  I sometimes end up over-doing it a little."  Jack let out a small chuckle.  I let out a small sigh of relief, now certain that I wasn't in any sort of harm.

"It's fine", I replied.  "I'm (Y/N).  Nice to meet you."  I extended my hand, shaking his.  "Wow.  Cool name!  Hey!  Are you out here Trick-or-Treating too?", he replied, talking a little fast, like some kind of hyper kid.  Oh yeah!  I completely forgot I was still wearing a costume.

"Yeah, I do this every year", I replied, removing the cheap bandages from my face.  "Oooh", Jack awed.  "You're pretty."  "Uh, thanks", I replied, my face a tad warm after the sudden compliment.  "Say", I spoke again.  "Is there a, uh...  A way out of here?"  Jack stopped to take a look around.  "Oh yeah."  Realizing we were still surrounded by darkness all around us, he undid...er, whatever it was he was doing and the world turned back into the normal island I remember.  Although still quite dark outside, I could see 1 or 2 houses with lights still on in the windows.

I looked at Jack in amazement, and a bit of admiration.  He let out a small giggle.  "Hey Jack.  Want to walk home with me?", I asked.  "Hm?  Oh, sure.  Okay!", he replied, getting all excited.  "C'mon!  Let's go already!  Hurry up, slowpoke!"  He laughed, running ahead of me in a random direction, not even knowing where he was heading.  "Hey!", I called back.  "Wait up!"

"So, you're a spirit of Halloween?", I responded back to him.  "Uh uh.  THE spirit of Halloween", he corrected.  I smiled as we continued walking and talking.  "I go out once a year on Halloween to trick the villagers of every island.  It's a lot of work."  He let out a heavy sigh.  Perking up, he continued.  "But hey, every once and a while I meet people like you at least!  Most people just end up running away from me."

I couldn't help but feel pity for the poor spirit.  We've looped the island about 5 times now, but I've actually had fun talking to Jack and learning more about him.  It must be long past midnight by now.  "Hey", I replied, getting Jack's attention.  "If you ever need someone to hang out with, you can talk to me."

Jack smiled, er...I guess he didn't "smile", but...I'm not sure how to describe it.  I could just feel the happiness emanating from him.  Anyways, I could tell he was happy.  "Thanks", he said.  "Say, let's meet up next Halloween!"  "That sounds like it'll be fun", I replied, a wide smile on my face.

"Alrighty then.  It's settled!  I'm gonna scare you so bad next year, you'll die!"  "Wait, what?"  With a evil, yet also playful, laugh, he vanished into thin air.  I stood dumbfounded at what happened.  Letting out a chuckle, I shook my head in amusement.  Jack sure is a weird one.  I can't lie when I say I'm certainly looking forward to next Halloween.  Maybe I should get life insurance in case he accidently gives me a heart attack...

Letting the rampant thoughts run through my head, I chuckled to myself as I walked back home, ready to hit the hay.

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