Isabelle x Reader(Female)

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Requested by: _Dem0_

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

'Today is the day!', I think to myself, as I walk to the town hall, pink rose flowers in hand. 'I'm finally gonna tell her how I feel!'

I walked up to the door, and reached to open it. But, something kept me from opening the door. 'What if she doesn't feel the same?', I doubted myself. 'What if she doesn't even...swing that way?'

My head filled with so many thoughts and scenarios, while my heart started filling with so many emotions. Fear, love, confusion, frustration, sadness, happiness.

I took a deep breath, reached my hand towards the door, and walked inside, while every part of me said this was a bad idea...

Isabelle's P.O.V.

It was a harsh work day. I had a lot of paperwork to do, and I just couldn't wait to go home. The only fun part of my day, the only fun part of every day, is when I get to see Mayor (Y/N)!

She treats me well, and is more than fair. I love seeing her everyday, getting to work with her. Just being in her presence gets me all flustered. I just wish I had the courage to tell her how I feel. But I don't even know if that's what she's into...

The clock struck 11 p.m. 'Finally, quitting time', I thought, as I got up from my chair and grabbed a small picture of Mayor (Y/N) from under my desk. If she ever found out about that picture of her, I'd die of embarrassment.

I kissed the picture, "Goodnight, (Y/N)", I whispered to the object. Well, it was more than an object to me... I placed the picture back under my desk and began to walk towards the door, when suddenly, I heard a knock from the door. I hope it's not-

The door swung open, with a small chime. Mayor (Y/N) was standing there, holding pink roses in her hands. 'Oh no...'

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I saw Isabelle standing there when I opened the door. Her face began to turn a light shade of pink. It's strange how that always happens when we're hanging out.

"(Y-Y/N)!", she stuttered, her tail starting to wag. "I was just leaving. Did you need something?" I took a deep breath. 'C'mon, (Y/N)!', I mentally told myself. 'You can do it!'

"Um...", I started, walking towards her, my heart beating faster. "Here!", I said, shoving her the flowers. 'Don't shove them at her!', I scolded myself. "Th-These are f-for y-y-you." 'Why am I stuttering so much?'

Isabelle slowly reached out for the flowers. "M-mayor (Y-Y/N)...", she stuttered, seeming at a loss for words, her face turning deep red. "Um...", I spoke, my heart jumping in my throat.

"I have something to tell you." She stopped blushing a little, and looked at me with a confused expression. 'God, she just looks so adorable when she looks like that!' "W-would y-you like t-to go o-out so-ome t-time?", I asked, barely making out the words.

'Shoot!', I thought, mentally facepalming. I turned to walk away, my face as red as a tomato, when she grabbed my wrist. I turned my head to look at her, as I was about to ask why she did that, when the most unexpected thing happened!

Isabelle's P.O.V.

I kissed her! I actually kissed her!

I grabbed her by the wrist, making sure not to grab to hard as to hurt her. She turned around to look at me, and, without thinking, I pressed my lips against hers, the pink roses falling out of my hand, my tailing furiously wagging.

Her lips were soft and warm, and tasted a bit like cherries. I was blushing harder now, if that was even possible. Mayor (Y/N) tensed up as I kissed her, and I realized I made a big mistake!

Our mouths separated, for me to find (Y/N), her face a dark red and filled with shock. 'Why did I do that?!', I scolded myself, feeling a lot of shame and embarrassment. "Mayor (Y/N)!", I croaked, trying to hold back tears. "I'm so so-", she placed a hand over my mouth.

"Is that a yes?", she asked, her face still flustered. I was so confused. As if she read my mind, she said, "I-I-I love you, Isabelle!"

My heart skipped a beat. Those were the words I've been waiting to hear my entire life. I couldn't believe it. She loved me. She loved me!

I kissed her again, this time she melted into the kiss. It was the best feeling in the world. "I love you too, Mayor (Y/N)!", I replied, after we parted the kiss, which seemed to last for hours. "Isabelle!", she whispered, inching closer to my face. "Just call me (Y/N).", she said, as she smiled shyly, holding my paws in her hands.

With that, we kissed again, and I didn't fight to hold back the tears of joy and relief, that I felt. I didn't care what happened in the future, because (Y/N) was my future. She was all I cared about, all I needed.

"Yes", I spoke softly. "I will go out with you!

How was that? Bad? Good? It was my first time, so I hope it was okay. Make sure to comment in the request section to let me know who you want next! Thank you! Bye, for now!👋

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