Kid Cat

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WARNING!  This chapter is a sneak peek at a new book that I'm working on.  If you're not interested, don't worry, a new one-shot is on the way.  For those who want to read this little snippet, please let me know what you think of it.

ANOTHER WARNING!  This sneak peek will be the darkest thing I've written.  But that isn't saying much, as I would still say it's a pg story, just a little...different...  It's not bad, I swear.  With that being said, enough with the warnings, and please enjoy!

Bob's P.O.V.

It was a beautiful day outside.  Birds were singing.  Flowers were blooming.  On days like these, kids like mine...were screaming in the back of a small, family-sized car that pulled into the driveway.  The screaming was so loud that I could hear it from the small porch I sat on from far away.

Oh boy, I thought, as I sat down my small iced-tee and ran over to the vehicle.  The driver's side door opened, and my weary-looking husband fumbled to get the keys out of the ignition.  "So, how was your day today?", I asked, failing to contain a small chuckle as my eyes darted towards our kid in the back seat.  My hubby wasn't very amused as he got out of the car, looking very fatigued.

He was a rather thin gentleman, with creamy blond hair.  He was a sharp-looking cat, with his slick grey suit, grey trousers, and his square black glasses.  He had grey fur, with spots of black all on his hands, feet, tail, and ears.  His eyes, however, were the most eye-catching part about him, the right eye as brown as the trunk of a tree, the left as green as a grassy field on a warm spring day, just like today.

"Better now", he muttered, leaning in and giving a small peck on the cheek.  "Do you have to say that every time you come home?", I asked as a small blush formed on my face.  "Can't help it when it's true", he simply replied, giving a small shrug as his face also gave off a light shade of red.

"Did you go to the store today?", I asked, changing the subject.  "I did before picking her up.  You mind helping out?"  I gave a small nod as I headed towards the passenger side of the car and opened the door, my daughter wailing and flailing about inside.

She was really young, about three years old.  She was a squirrel with a small bucktooth.  Her ears were covered in grey fur, as well as a gray spiral pattern on her tail, whilst the rest of her fur was snowy-white.  She had white hair with little strands of grey, making her look like she was older than she actually was.

"What got into her?", I chuckled.  I made sure to move carefully as to avoid getting hurt by her little tantrum whilst unbuckling her seating strapping her to her car seat, but I wasn't confident in my ability to be able to pick her up without getting at least a few minor bruises.  "Beats me", my hubby replied as he opened the trunk to get the groceries.  "She's been like this since I picked her up from daycare.  I've tried everything to calm her down."

I sighed as I tried to think of how I should go about getting my daughter out of the car without injuring her or myself.  "Well, Camden is usually the only one who can calm her down when she has her tantrums.  Did you pick him up from school?", I asked.  I looked up to see his terrified expression.  "Whoops!"  He chuckled nervously, then we both immediately booked it to the car to hopefully find our other kid.

(Young) Kid Cat's P.O.V.

It was a pretty nice day out today.  Although, it would've been a lot nicer if my Pop hadn't forgotten to pick me up from school.  But, I'm sure I could find my way home eventually if I walked in a certain direction long enough.

As I walked for what seemed like hours, I wound up finding my way into a dark alley.  I overheard voices talking, and started to panic.  Should I go in a different direction?  My spirits were immediately lifted as I thought that maybe they could help me find my parents!

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