Harvey x Reader(Female)

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I sat at the lunch bench, just outside the town hall. My friends, Cherry, Bob, and Gang, all sat with me, looking at their new Nook phones.

I brought out my (F/C) lunchbox and pulled out a small sandwich. "So...", I began, scarfing down my sandwich. "How was your guy's day?" No reply. "Hello?", I asked again, to no response.

"Can't you guys spend one day without your phone?", I asked, feeling pretty annoyed at them. "C'mon, (Y/N)!", Cherry groaned, not taking her eyes off her phone. "We're just having a little fun." "I'm gonna have 'fun' somewhere else.", I said flatly, as I sat up from the bench, grabbing my lunchbox.

I've always been somewhat of a naturist, not too fond of the new technology. I always say "Go outside.", and "We should go to the park." But everyone's always too busy on their 'Nook phones'. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Mr. Nook is nothing but a no-good, greedy, son of a-

'I got it!', I told myself, an idea forming in my head. 'There's still one person who appreciates nature as much as I do!' As I blushed lightly, thinking about the person, I ran from where I was, eager to see them again.

Harvey's P.O.V.

I sat on my bench, enjoying the warm, fresh air. The sounds of chirps filled the air, as I threw seeds on the ground for the birds. I enjoyed watching them eat the bird seeds.

As I continued feeding the birds, I looked into the distance to see my favorite person. She had beautiful (H/C) hair, and (E/C) eyes. She wore a nice (F/C) dress, with a little flower button.

She ran up to me, panting and sweating from running so far. "Woah!", I shouted. "Why such an eager beaver today?" She chuckled as she tried catching her breath.

"I just wanted to see you, Harv.", she wheezed. I blushed a little and scratched the back of my head. "Wanna have lunch?", she asked.


"...And they're just always on their phones!", (Y/N) finished, as she took one last bite of her sandwich. "It would be great to go camping or something." 'Camping?', I pondered the thought as (Y/N) continued. "Just to get away from all of this, you know?" She looked at me waiting for me to answer. "I totally get what you're saying.", I replied.

Suddenly, an idea formed in my head. 'Maybe we could go camping...', I thought. 'A weekend alone with (Y/N)...' The last thought made me blush, slightly. (Y/N) noticed, and with a smug expression asked, "You good, Harv?"

"Let's go camping!", I shouted, my paws grabbing her hands, causing her to blush of surprise. "Just me and you! This weekend." "It's a date!", she replied. Almost immediately, her face turned a dark pink. "I mean....uuhhh...", she stalled, probably trying to come up with an excuse for what she said. "Let's go!", I said as I yanked her arm, eager to leave, already.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I found a spot in the middle of the woods and helped Harvey set up the tent. It was small, but it would do. I never noticed how handsome Harvey was, until now. I mean...um... never mind...

We finished setting up the tent, when Harvey pulled out 2 butterfly nets, handing one to me. "Wanna catch some butterflies?", he asked, a smile forming on his face. "Heck yeah!", I shouted as my face lit up with a wide grin.


After we caught butterflies, we went back to the tent to let them free. I was about to suggest another activity, when I saw Harvey studying a small, Agrias butterfly. I walked over to him, sitting on the cold grass.

"It's so hard to say goodbye, isn't it?" Harvey was so gentle and caring, it made me smile. "They are quite beautiful.", I replied, looking at Harvey from the corner of my eye. "Not as beautiful as you.", he responded, now looking away from me, his face all flustered. I smiled.


I shivered, my teeth chattering from the cold. Harvey was rummaging through his red/green backpack looking for a blanket. "I thought I packed it!", he said as he slowly turned to me. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). Guess I'm just a little forgetful." He looked down, the saddest look plastered on his face. I hated seeing him sad.

"Well...", I whispered, a small blush creeping across my face. "There is another way we could keep warm..." He looked at me, raising an eyebrow at me. "We could...huddle for warmth?" My face was now a dark shade of red. He grabbed my hand with his paw as he led me inside the tent.

It was just as cold inside, if not colder. I layed down, and Harvey layed behind me, got real close, and swung an arm over my waist. He freshly mowed grass and sunflowers. My face was a blushing mess at this point. 'I can't believe this is happening!', I thought, as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

My eyes slowly opened as the sun rose. Harvey was still by my side, looking like he never left. I was finally happy, as I started to blush again. "Morning, sunshine.", Harvey groaned, still some love in his voice, causing me to blush more.

We both sat up and looked at each other after Harvey put his glasses back on. Awkward silence... "This was fun!", I said, breaking the silence, looking up at Harvey. "We should do it again sometime."

He smiled and blushed, while he looked at me. "It's a date!", he replied, still blushing. 'Finally!' "Should we get going??, I asked. "Sure.", he replied.


We packed up our stuff and went home. Cherry will freak out when I tell her what happened. "Thank you.", I thanked Harvey, before I got ready to go home. "Anytime, lovely.", he replied, waving me goodbye. I stopped in my tracks, realizing I forgot something!

I turned around, ran over to Harvey, and pressed our lips together. After 1 second, he kissed back, his heart filling with lust. After we parted the kiss...I ran away.

I didn't have to look at him to know he enjoyed this kiss. I could tell, with him. Finally, I was happy. I got to hang out with someone who loved nature, almost as much as they loved me.

I can't wait to do this again!

How was that? Make sure to let me know! I thought I did pretty well, but I can always take feedback. Make sure to leave a request for the next ship! Thank you! Bye, for now!👋

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