Lolly X Reader(Gender Neutral)

557 3 11

Requested by: a_big_Dimentio_fan

Your P.O.V.

It was a cold winter day on the island. You sat in the corner of the tiny room, warming your hands with the small round space heater that Tom Nook had sold you for a few thousand bells. You can't remember exactly why you thought it was a good idea to move to an island in the middle of winter, but something about the way they said "Tropical island getaway package" made it sounds a whole lot worth it.

However, it wasn't so bad, you thought. Your neighbors are probably some of the nicest people you've ever met! Especially this one friend you made, Lolly. She was so sweet when you first met her, and she loved parading around in the fluffy white snow.

Lolly was a tabby cat, with glossy silver fur, with grey streaks on the back and top of her head. She had shiny white paws, with swirls of grey as well. Her eyes were dark and mysterious, and you could feel like you could get lost in them forever.

Thinking about seeing Lolly today, your mood heightened a little, you raced to your (F/C) changing room. After pondering a little, you finally settled on wearing your lucky argyle sweater, some plain and cozy pants, and a small knit hat with ear flaps.

You walked out the door of your home, and set off to find Lolly! You just had Tom Nook build bridges over the two flowing rivers on the island, so most of your neighbors were exploring the previously uncharted parts of the island.

A little while later...

As you started to give up hope on finding Lolly, something caught your eye. You turned your head towards the beach on the southern part of the island, to find your good friend sitting on the shores, playfully mixing the sand and the snow.

As you began walking over, Lolly's ears twitched as she perked her head up, a smile beaming on her face when she saw you. You remembered that Lolly, as a cat, has practically superhuman hearing. She could even tell people apart just by the sound of their footsteps, so there was no wonder she somehow always knew when you wanted to chat.

"Morning, (Y/N)!", Lolly chimed as she waved to you. "Hey, Lolly" You sent a warm smile back in her direction, as she patted the sand for you to sit down. You did just that and immediately realized just how cold the ground was.

"Er, it's a bit chilly out today", she giggled, noticing your slight discomfort. "A bit chilly?!", you laughed. "It's freezing out" She chuckled as she went back to messing with the snow. She wore a grey winter sweater, accompanied by a snowy knit cap. Combine that with her glossy coat of fur, and it makes sense that she wouldn't be bothered by the cold as much as you were.

You put your head back as you let the sun's rays hit you, giving you what little warmth it had to offer. Then again, you'd probably do anything for Lolly, even sit out in the cold. She looked over to notice your slight shaking.

"So...", she mumbled, a small moment of awkwardness taking over the area. "If you're not a fan of the cold, why'd you go out today?" She gave you a look of mild concern. Lolly normally didn't hide her feelings. If she was worried, she'd always tell you why.

You could feel your face grow a bit redder as you thought about the answer. "I just wanted to hang out with you today", you shrugged, hoping she wouldn't notice the slight blush on your face. At least your face was now slightly warmer, you thought.

"Aw, you're so sweet, bonbon", she mumbled, hiding her face a little, clearly as red-faced as you. She always called you "bonbon". It was a sweet nickname she gave you, even if you weren't quite sure what it meant. Apparently, she said it was French for something, but you couldn't remember.

After another few minutes of silence, you finally decided to speak again. "Boy, I sure with Brewster was here right now. I could go for a nice cup of hot coffee on a day like this." You playfully nudged her with your elbow. "Yeah, me too", she chuckled.

She then went back to staring in the distance. Something was off, you could feel it. Lolly and you always had something to talk about, even if it were something boring, or just telling each other about each other's day. She was never this quiet.

You looked over at her, looking for a sign that something was wrong, to no avail. Why wouldn't you just ask her? You thought this to yourself, as you remember that you and Lolly were friends, you could tell each other anything.

But then you noticed something. Her eyes, shining from the beautiful light of the sun, turned towards you, immediately looking away, her face seemingly growing a brighter shade of pink by the minute.

You've read enough Wattpad fanfics to know what this could probably mean. Did she like you? Of course, she did, Lolly likes everyone! But, did she love you...? Did she see you as more than a friend and, more importantly, did you see her as more than just a friend?

Something about her. Her eyes, her hair, her kindness, her curiosity, her joy, her personality. All of it just seemed so...perfect. You pondered how someone so perfect, someone you would be willing to protect and hold until the end of time, could ever exist.

However, reality quickly set back in, as the wind picked up and you started to shiver tremendously. Lolly let out a small gasp, before quickly wrapping her arms around you, getting as close to you as possible.

Your face became hotter than the sun from the sudden act. Your voice was dry, you practically didn't know what to say. "I heard that in these situations, you should huddle as close together as possible to conserve warmth", she spoke softly, sensing your confusion.

"Y-you don't h-have to-o.", you stuttered, partly because of the cold, but mostly from the embarrassment. "It's okay.", she replied. "We can go back to my place. You can warm up there. You shouldn't be out in this weather, (Y/N)."

Lolly was always so nice to you, but she still managed to always find new ways to surprise you with her incredible amount of generosity. You really wanted to get back to a nice warm house, but...

You look down at Lolly, her face slightly buried in your shoulder, hiding her deeply red face. If you went back to her house, then there wouldn't be any reason to be...well, to be this close to her. This was the closest you've ever been to Lolly, or probably anyone for that matter.

You wrapped your arms around her gently, her fur was practically frozen! She must be freezing too, you thought as you carefully stood up, keeping her close to your side. "Let's get to your house, it'll be warmer there. We can hang out and talk there.", you suggested as you both started making your way to the other side of the island.

She hugged you a little tighter, grasping your attention. "Are you okay?", you asked, a small hint of fear in your voice. You were freezing, and part of you was slightly scared you might get frostbite, but the only thing you could think of right now, was making sure Lolly was okay.

"I-I'm fine", she stuttered. "I-it's just...I don't want this to end." Her words caught you off guard, but you too knew exactly what she meant. As terrible as the weather was, you didn't want this moment to end either.

"Me neither", was the only thing you could muster, your face deep red at this point. "Don't worry", you reassuring her. "I'll be right here. I won't let go." Your words made her let out a small giggle, a smile forming on her face, as she looked deep into your mesmerizing eyes.

That smile on her face. You couldn't help but want to protect her, to be there for her from now, and until the end of time itself. As you both made your way back to her house, you smile warmly as you give her a small peck on the cheek, making her blush even more.

With that, you smiled as you thought about every day you'll spend together with Lolly, and one day, maybe even tell her how you really feel. And who knows? Maybe she had some feelings to share with you, too. You didn't know what the future would hold, but you knew it was looking bright!


Thanks for reading! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope I could make you happy to my best ability! Let me know what you thought about the story in the comments, and remember, I do take criticism! Bye, for now!

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