First Meet - Prologue

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Edit: Trigger Warnings for this book. There are quite a few.

TW: Blood, death, abuse, violence, suicide, suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety attacks, mentions of abuse, implied rape, mentions of rape, self-deprecating thoughts,  and traumatic events. Let me know if I missed any. :D


The elevator doors opened to the sixth floor of the FBI building. I walked through them, clutching my bag at my side. I had worked here for almost twenty years, so this place felt like a second home. Not to mention my co-workers, who were more like family to me. 

The joy that had bubbled up in my heart and had leaked into my smile was quickly squashed with a feeling of dread as I pressed open the glass doors. There were a lot of people gathered around the televisions in the bullpen, and they were whispering to each other as the president spoke on national news. I spotted one of my team members, Jennifer Jareau, and made my way over to her. As I approached her, I recognized my other friends: David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, and Tara Lewis.

"What's going on?" I asked Jennifer in a low voice.

"President Whitmore is announcing whether or not we're going to war." She responded to me with worried eyes. Jennifer didn't want war, and neither did I, but the Magi were given almost no choice. 

"We, as a nation," Aiden Whitmore spoke from the lectern. "As a planet, cannot allow ourselves to be pushed around by an alien species that has no right being here. I hope that every one of our allies follows in my footsteps as I announce that we are officially at war. We will provide as many households as we can with weapons to defend themselves against these monsters." Shock rippled through the office as everyone processed what this meant. "We also have an advantage. We know what the Prince and Princess look like. Their faces will appear on screen. If you see them, report them to the authorities immediately. The only face we don't have is the King's, so if you have any information at all, please contact us at the number on the screen."

I lowered my head, having already prepared myself for the public's reaction. Whitmore had called us monsters as if we didn't deserve life here on Earth. I was born here, on United States soil. I couldn't control who my parents were. 

"Spence?" Jennifer rested her hand on my shoulder. 

"I'm fine. I just don't like the idea of war. So many living creatures are going to die." I looked at her, trying my best to hold back the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "Good people. Humans and Magi alike."

Jennifer nodded, pulling me into a hug. Emily Prentiss knocked on the door to the conference room, telling us to meet her there. So, one by one, the rest of my colleagues filed into the familiar space. I closed the door behind me and took a seat next to Tara.

Emily sighed and looked at all of us with a tired expression on her face.

"I know all of you are processing this information differently. I know all of you will have different reactions. But, we have our orders." She paused to glance at all of us. 

"We've been ordered to hunt the Divine family. More specifically, the four royals."

February 3rd, 2001

The key to my apartment slipped into the lock, making a satisfying 'click' noise as I turned it. I opened my door and entered the place, exhausted from my day at the academy. I was only nineteen, but I was on track to joining the FBI in at least two years, eight months, and twenty-five days. I set my worn-out satchel on the black sofa and headed in the direction of my bedroom. I practically threw myself onto the bed, my body heavy with drowsiness. I didn't even bother to change into pajamas as I snuggled under the covers. Soon, I felt the world around me sink into silence, peaceful and alluring. 

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