Chapter 3

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"Dude, why the fuck are you in my sister's room?" I heard my brother say.

"She came home in the middle of the night drunk off her ass and I didn't want her to choke on her own vomit and die. I guess I fell asleep." I groaned feeling my heartbeat in my skull.

"Can you two shut the hell up and can someone give me water." I croaked. One of them handed me a bottle and I opened it and took a drink, I instantly cringed. "Damn it, wrong bottle. The white one is vodka, the pink one is water." I opened my eyes and reached over to grab the proper bottle.

"Kalista, why do you have vodka in your bedroom?" I looked up and saw my brother's angry eyes staring me down.

"It's my emergency bottle."

"Emergencies? Kallie, how often do you drink?"

"A couple times a week. Don't worry, whenever I drink I get James or Court to take me to school. I don't drive drunk." Landon looked at me like I grew two heads.

"Are you seriously trying to justify your behavior?" I rolled my eyes.

"I always make sure to drink responsibly."

"You're 18 Kallie, there's no such thing as responsible drinking. You know what, congratulations, come move in day, the apartment will be officially sober." My jaw dropped.

"Landon, I'm an adult!" He shook his head.

"No, Kallie, you're not. We live in the United states of America, which means the legal drinking age is 21 and you're not 21." I tossed my arms up in the air.

"It's not like i'm asking you to buy me beer! You can't stop me from getting alcohol on my own."

"Actually, I'm letting you live in my apartment rent free and my apartment doesn't allow illegal activity. So unless you want to be evicted I suggest you follow my rules." Landon and I were having a full on staredown when Beth came bouncing in.

"Hayden, you said you needed to leave at 10 right?" She smiled at the devil.

"Yes, why?"

"It's 11."

"Shit, I've gotta go. See you guys in a couple months." I rolled back over and went to sleep.


Hayden had an internship doing whatever the hell it is he does and Beth and Landon wanted to spend the summer at home, so they subletted the apartment and we spent the summer at home. That also meant that I got an extra three months of not being treated like a child.

The summer was fun, but uneventful and I was beyond excited to move out of my mom's house and start my life as a grownup.

Even if I am a grownup that has to follow her brother's rules.

Beth and Landon drove up to campus a few days before me so that they could get the apartment set up for, well, me.

Beth is an interior design major and apparently spent the entire summer designing the entire apartment. I have no idea what it's going to look like, but the way she's talked about it, makes me excited to get to my new home.

"Hey, honey, are you ready to go?" I looked up at my mom and smiled.

"I'm so ready, I just have one more box to lug to the car." I bent down and picked up the heaviest box I have. At least I tried to, "Sweet baby Jesus, where's Landon when you need him." I grunted trying my hardest not to fall over and my mom just laughed.

"Need some help?" she asked in between her annoying laughs.

"No, I'm fine." I glared.

"What the hell do you have in there Kalista? You already took your shoes out and you packed your clothes in actual suitcases." I sighed, giving up and setting the box back down.

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