Chapter 32

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Shopping in Mexico was a blast. I spent way more than I should have and then we went to the club. Which of course was wild.

I danced with my boyfriend, drank one too many fruity drinks, and passed out the second my head hit the pillow. The next morning, I woke up cuddled up to Hayden, still in my sequin club dress.

I had a hangover, but I didn't feel like death. I figured, once I got some coffee, breakfast, and Tylenol in me, I'd be fine. So, I left Hayden to sleep and went in search of coffee.

I got to the kitchen and ran into a strange man. He turned towards me and gave me a panty-melting smile. Who in the hell is this beautiful beautiful man?

"Hola." I blinked a few times unable to speak.

"Uhh, hi..." That was all I could say.

"Are you, pregnant friend or lesbian friend?" I furrowed my brows.

"Umm, neither. I'm Kallie, you are?"

"Carlos, it's lovely to meet you, Kallie." I've never been so confused in my entire life.

"So, Carlos, what exactly are you doing in the kitchen of my friend's beach house?"

"I came home with Josie." I nodded still not totally understanding.

"Carlos!" I turned and saw a half-naked Josie run into the room, "I told you not to leave my room."

"You know what, I'll take my coffee to go. This is too much." I grabbed the coffee and basically ran out. On the way back to my room, I ran into Leo.

"Why do you look like you're trying to get out of a burning building?" I shrugged.

"Josie's in the kitchen with her Cancun hookup, it's a little awkward." His smile fell.

"Oh, we leave for the boat at two." He turned back around and went to his room. Equally weird.


Leo wanted us all to be on the boat at two. That doesn't seem likely at the moment. We need to leave in fifteen minutes if we want to make it to the boat by two. Fifteen minutes and the only people here are Hayden, Leo, and I. Josie and Bridget went to lunch to talk about Josie's hot hookup and Beth and Landon decided they wanted to buy baby clothes.

It's Hayden's 22nd birthday today and if they make us late to his yacht party, I will kick all of their asses. Hayden may have ruined my birthday, but I'm not petty enough to ruin his.

"Hey, Kal, I'm going to go shower really quick, I texted Landon a few minutes ago to see where the hell they are. Let me know if he texts back. Code is 0403." I smiled. Not only did he willingly share his code and give me full access to his phone, which not a lot of people would do, but his code is also my birthday.

"Got it, go shower." While he hopped in the shower, I searched for my sandals. A few minutes later his phone beeped. I grabbed it hoping my brother was on his way. Only the text wasn't from Landon.

It was from Katie. I have no clue who Katie is or why in the hell she's texting my boyfriend. Maybe it was wrong of me to do, but I had to. I clicked on the text. My heart stopped when I read the messages.

It was so nice to see you the other day. Maybe next time instead of coffee we can have dinner.

I felt like I couldn't breathe.

And dessert. I hope this is still your favorite.

Below that were two pictures.

"Hey, did he tex- Kallie what's wrong?" I looked up at Hayden, tears already forming, and I couldn't speak. I just shook my head.

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