Chapter 13

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Two months.

It took two months for shit to hit the fan. I've been in college for two months and my life is even messier than it was before.

When I started, I knew a few fundamental truths. One of those truths was that Hayden Young was my worst enemy.

Now, I don't have that. Hayden Young is not a dirtbag. That confuses the hell out of me. Once again, my perception of others has done a 180. Well, my perception of Hayden at least.

I know it shouldn't be that big of a deal, and if it was a couple of years ago, it wouldn't have been, but it's now and it's a big deal.

After my parents got divorced, I became very depressed. I shut the world out and no one even noticed. My mom was too much of a mess herself to notice anything and my dad was too abandoning me to pay attention.

Then there was my best friend and my brother. They were too busy with their college lives to see me spiraling.

No one noticed me. No one except Hayden. The person, I thought the worst of, paid enough attention to me that within days he knew what was going on with me. No one, not my parents or my brother, or my best friend saw it. No, it was Hayden.

As annoying as it was that he demanded I see a therapist or tell him all my problems, it showed that he cared. Since that night, I've looked at Hayden as a selfish prick who doesn't give a damn about me or any other girl.

I thought the worst and I was wrong. Yeah, he has trouble keeping his dick in his pants, but he's not a bad person. He's actually kind of decent.

All this thinking is giving me a headache. This whole situation is a headache and it's not going to stop being one until I deal with it. I need to talk to Hayden.

I took a deep breath and made my way next door. I knocked on his door and waited. Unfortunately, I had a sense of deja vu when he answered the door in just a pair of boxers.

"Hey, Kal, what's up?" I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"Nevermind, I didn't know you were busy." I spun around and escaped to my room. Although, unlike last time, he came after me. Seconds after I shut my bedroom door, he was loudly banging on it. I opened it with a glare.

"What's up?" The asshole didn't even bother to put a shirt on. It's like he wanted all women to spontaneously combust in his presence.

"Nothing." He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.

"It's obviously something, otherwise you wouldn't have knocked on my door at 11 pm. So, what's up?"

"It's nothing, go back to your company."

"Company? I don't have company." I rolled my eyes and gestured to his mostly naked body. He looked down at himself and back up and he burst out laughing, "Just because I'm not wearing any clothes doesn't mean I've got a girl in my room." I furrowed my brows.

"Then why are you almost naked?"

"I have an eight am class tomorrow. I was just finishing up an assignment for my marketing class and then I was going to climb in bed and go to sleep. This is how I sleep." I closed my eyes feeling my cheeks turn ruby red.

"Sorry for assuming, but in case you didn't know the walls in this place are kind of thin and you have a lot of company." He let out a weird nervous laugh.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Now, are you going to tell me why you knocked on my door?" I took a deep breath and had a quick internal battle about whether or tell him or not.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking. A headache-inducing amount actually and I just wanted to talk to someone." I bit my lip nervously.

"You chose me?" And now I'm embarrassed.

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