Chapter 12

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After the heart to heart, Josie made the strongest margaritas in the history of margaritas. It had so much tequila in it that they were more melted than frozen. We didn't make it past midnight before we all passed out.

We were supposed to make it home for breakfast with the boys, but we knew they would give us crap if we came home with the hangover from hell. Instead, Bridget, who seemed immune to the hell we were suffering, made us bacon.

She said the grease would help us handle the testosterone.

It did.

Kind of. I was ok, Beth wasn't. Although I think her misery was more about her pregnancy scare. Then, after a quick Walmart stop, Beth insisted on, we were home. Hayden was chilling on the couch watching a stupid boy show and Landon was pacing like a lunatic.

"Thank God!" Landon shouted before briefly squeezing the life out of me, "You guys were supposed to be home hours ago," He moved on to strangling Beth, "I called you both a dozen times. I thought you were dead."

"We were." I deadpanned and then plopped down next to Hayden. I don't understand why I'm ok with sitting by him now, but I am.

"If you don't let go of me, will actually be dead," Beth said breathlessly.

"Sorry. Where were you two?" He demanded.

"Too hungover to face the morning sun. Bridget made us breakfast and our phones were dead. Bridget has an iPhone and we have android's, so we couldn't charge our phones." Beth explained.

"Take a charger next time," Landon said before hugging Beth again.

"We will and if it makes you feel better, I got you a present." I perked up, totally interested in what she insisted I stop at Walmart for. She handed Landon the Walmart bag and he pulled out a giant box of condoms.

"Condoms?" He asked like he didn't understand their use.

"Yep, now we can have tons of sex." I cringed.

"We already do. Did you go off the pill, because we haven't used condoms since you went on it like three years ago?" I cringed even more.

"Nope, I'm still on the pill, but from now on we are doubling up." I need to escape this conversation.


"Because, as much as I want to have babies with you, I want you to put a ring on my finger first. Ok?" Landon looked like a confused child, and if this weren't a conversation about my brother's sex life, I'd laugh.

"Um, ok?"

"Glad you understand. Next time I have to pee on a stick, I better be Mrs. Miller ok."

"I don't think I do, but I think we should try some of these out. What do you think?" That was when I knew I had to get out of there. I grabbed Hayden's hand and yanked him up.

"I think it's best if neither of us is here for this," I said with a shiver.

"Yeah, let's get out of here before they start mauling each other. I'm driving." I rolled my eyes as he took the keys out of my hand. Men.

"Fine, but I want froyo and you're paying."

"Fine, let's go."


Twenty minutes later, we both had giant bowls of frozen yogurt and were comfortably seated on one of the comfy couches. We easily could have sat on separate couches and honestly, I'm not sure why we didn't. We did however sit as far apart as the couch would allow us.

"So, what did Beth mean by 'next time I have to pee on a stick'?" Hayden said with a mouth full of vanilla froyo.

"Oh, she thought she was pregnant," I replied with a mouth full of cake batter froyo.

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