Chapter 26

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Does breakfast taste better on Christmas? I'm convinced it does. Every Christmas morning since I can remember, my dad would get up at six in the morning and cook a huge elaborate breakfast. We ate breakfast as a family and then spent the rest of the morning opening presents.

After the divorce, it was a little different. My mom's not great at cooking, so she stuck to pancakes and scrambled eggs, but it was still family breakfast on Christmas morning.

Since this is the first Christmas that Landon and I aren't home and mom's still enjoying an epic Hawaiian work vacation, I assumed it would be different.

But, it's wasn't. I was woken up at 7 am by the smell of greasy delicious bacon. I smacked Hayden and we went to see what was going on. What we walked in on made me smile.

Beth was at the stove cooking, while Landon was hugging her from behind and they were wearing matching Christmas pajamas. I mean I don't love seeing my brother be all lovey-dovey with my best friend, but it was just so cute and it's Christmas.

"Morning lovebirds," I said waltzing into the tiny kitchen.

"Good morning best friend," Beth said with a huge smile. The infectious kind.

"Someone's in a good mood." I laughed and Hayden wrapped his arm around me.

"It's Christmas and I think it's going to be a good one."

"Then, we should probably get eating so we can open presents," Landon said and smacked Beth on the butt. That was a little much.

"Gross, Landon!" I groaned. He just rolled his eyes and an hour later, we were in the living room sitting around the tree. We decided to start with stockings and I won't bore you with the details, but we got a small gift from each person. They were nice, sweet gifts.

"Alright, everyone grab your present." I looked for the one with my name on it and grabbed it, "Wait, no. The gift you are giving." I handed mine to Landon, Landon handed his to Beth, Beth handed hers to Hayden and Hayden handed his to me.

Landon's gift to Beth is probably going to be super sweet and I'm curious to see what Beth got Hayden. That will be an interesting match. Hayden and Beth are an interesting match. Although, the most interesting present will be Hayden's gift to me. It's a present with a lot of pressure.

"Ok, so I'll go first. Hayden this is for you." She handed him a small envelope. I looked over his shoulder as he opened it. It was a gift certificate to a fancy Italian restaurant, "I had no idea what to get you, so I figured I'd get something for you and Kallie. It's a reservation for two. You can even get dessert." She gave an awkward shrug.

"Thank's Beth. I'll make sure it's our best date yet." Beth clapped her hands and immediately moved on.

"Who's next? Hayden or Kallie?" She asked. She clearly wants to open hers last.

"Landon, this is for you." I handed him his gift. He opened it and he liked it. That's really all there is to say.

"Landon, you go next," Hayden said. So, he wants me to get my present last? I don't know if that makes me excited or scared. Both probably.

"Nope, you go first. My gift has to be last." Landon gave no room for discussion. Hayden still started to argue, but I cut him off.

"I want to open it." I smiled and he nervously handed it to me. It looked like a jewelry box. A necklace or some earrings. It's probably beautiful, but I don't wear jewelry. Ever. My ears are too sensitive for earrings, even gold and silver make my ears ache. Bracelets annoy the fuck out of me. I only ever want to wear one ring and I don't wear necklaces anymore.

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