Chapter 27

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Bridget recently got promoted to party planner at her sorority, which means every party they throw will now have a touch of crazy. The girl has her own brand of special crazy. A Bridget Castello party consists of a handful of drunk fools mixed in with the normal fools, tons of booze, manufactured drama, and a touch of general unhingedness.

It practically spells trouble. I'm as terrified of it as I am excited.

"Hey, babe, you ready yet?" I scrunched my nose.

"Eww, if you're going to call me by a pet name find one that's not vomit-inducing." He grinned.

"Got it. Does that include pet names including the word babe?"

"Yeah, now, go so I can get dressed." I shoved him out the door and went to my closet. I have been saving this dress for something special and the New Year's Eve party where I'll have my first-midnight kiss sounds like the perfect occasion.

It's a long-sleeved green velvet dress that stops at mid-thigh. I put on some black tights and black booties before grabbing my purse and exiting my room./

"Well, don't you look hot

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"Well, don't you look hot." I smiled at my best friend, who was currently eating ice cream and lounging in sweats.

"Thanks, you do too." She rolled her eyes, "So, you're really spending the night at home eating ice cream?"

"Yeah, well one in five women still have morning sickness in the second trimester. I just so happen to be one of them." I sat down next to her and put a comforting hand on her knee.

"I thought the nausea got better?" She shook her head.

"It has, I went from puking ten times a day and not being able to keep anything down to puking twice a day and not being able to eat any of the foods I'm craving."

"I'm sorry." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I just keep telling myself that it will all be worth it once I hold my little girl in my arms." A grin broke out on my face.


"Yeah, it's a girl. I can tell." She tapped her temple, "Mother's intuition."

"No, it's not. It's a boy. You're carrying low, which is an obvious sign of a boy." I snorted."

"She's not even showing, so how can you tell how she's carrying?" They both glared at me.

"The extreme morning sickness says it's a girl," Beth said making Landon roll his eyes.

"Yeah, well you've been craving salted peanuts and salty cravings means boy."

"Yeah, well the fact that I want to strangle you, says it's a girl." I sighed, she has been really moody.

"You have three pairs of socks on. Cold feet mean boy." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh for the love of all things holy, it's the middle of winter, my toes are cold too." Again, they both glared at me

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