Chapter 31

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I woke up with a killer headache. I don't know if it's from crying myself to sleep or the four margaritas. Not that it really matters. All that matters is that I'm in Mexico on vacation and I'm going to make the most of it.

I managed to drag myself out of bed and down to the kitchen for some much-needed coffee.

I heard voices coming from outside, so I took made my way outside coffee in hand, and joined the ruckus.

Beth was happily floating through the water, while Landon fussed over her, Bridget was lounging next to the pool, with a floppy hat on, and weirdly, Josie and Leo were giggling and splashing each other in the pool. Hayden was MIA.

I sat down next to Bridget and gave her my best attempt at a smile.

"I heard. How are you?" She had a softness to her voice I've never heard.

"I don't know. Confused, sad, pissed, and a whole lot more." She leaned over and wrapped her arm around me.

"He's sleeping." I gave her a nod and pretended she didn't say it.

"I wanna go jet skiing, when is that going to happen?" I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"We were waiting for you to get your lazy ass up. You missed lunch." Beth said giving me a smug look.

"We are ready when you are." Landon's voice was full of pity. I fucking hated it. I rolled my eyes and turned to Bridget.

"Will you go get my pink swimsuit out of my bag in my room." She smiled and nodded. I'm glad she understood that I didn't want to be anywhere near him. Not right now.

I brought three swimsuits. A white bikini, a leaf print bikini, and a pale pink one-piece. I put it on with a cute cover-up and put my hair in a ponytail and I was ready to go.

 I put it on with a cute cover-up and put my hair in a ponytail and I was ready to go

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At some point, Hayden woke up and joined us, but I ignored him.


Hayden clearly wanted to talk to me, but I was not about to talk to that asshat. When he didn't show up, part of me hoped it was because something happened, because that would mean he didn't stand me up.

I'm horrible, I know, but my boyfriend stood me up on my birthday.

I was doing a damn good job at ignoring him, until Josie, Leo and Bridget took both jet ski's out and Beth dragged Landon downstairs to nap. We were alone he wasn't going to let me get away without talking.

I knew I couldn't avoid him forever, but I didn't want to talk. So, instead, I focused on the fact that Josie was snuggled up behind Leo on the jet ski and it was weird.

"Kallie." He said softly and I just turned my head, "Kallie, please, just let me explain." I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head.

"No." He grabbed my hand and kissed it and I lost it. Before I even knew it, I was crying.

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