Chapter 29

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"Oh my God Kallie!" I heard Beth's frantic scream and as any good friend does, I sprung into action and ran to find her. She was in the bathroom with her shirt pulled up staring at her stomach.

"Is there an emergency?" She turned to me and grinned.

"Look!" She pointed to her stomach.

"What?" She turned to the side and I saw the tiniest little pooch.

"I'm showing!" I laughed. It looks like she had big lunch or she's kind of bloated, but she's 20 weeks pregnant and this is the first sign of a baby bump.

 It looks like she had big lunch or she's kind of bloated, but she's 20 weeks pregnant and this is the first sign of a baby bump

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She's been anxious about not looking pregnant. Her doctor assured her the baby is healthy and that some women just carry differently.

"Yeah, you kind of are." She rubbed her hands across her belly with a huge smile.

"God, I can't wait to know if it's a little Beth or a little Landon." I smiled.

"Me too. Then I can begin my duties of best auntie." Then we hugged. The kind of hug that warms your heart.

"Luckily, we only have a couple of hours until we know."

"Unless Bridget decides she enjoys torturing all of us too much and doesn't tell us." She shrugs.

"I told her if she tried keeping the gender of my baby a secret that I'd tell everyone in her sorority that she has herpes." I burst out laughing.

"Are you kidding? That's gold. Absolute gold. Bridget is nothing if not obsessed with her reputation." I checked the time on my phone and if we had to wait any longer, we would be late, "Come on, time to get ready." I grabbed her shoulders and lead her out of the room.


In the hour leading up to the start of the party, the three-party planners were all acting drastically different.

Bridget lounging at one of the tables drinking the pink lemonade meant for the party.

I was putting decorations up in a calm, not frantic way.

Then, we had Josie. She was running around double-checking things that didn't need to be double-checked. She was also yelling at me. Every single decoration had to be perfect and if they weren't she made me do it again.

We were planning on just having the party in our apartment. We didn't plan on inviting a ton of people. Just, our seven-person friend group, both sets of parents (None of which are coming), and Beth's Aunt Stacy and her two kids.

Josie however, insisted that we go all out. Which we all said was unnecessary and impossible. She had hundreds of dollars worth of decorations and fancy baked goods picked out. It was way out of our budget, which after we all contributed was a little under $200.

Josie refused to compromise. So, like all normal people, she started calling in favors and cutting coupons.

She told Leo he owed her for breaking her heart and he somehow managed to get a venue secured.

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