Chapter 17

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"You can go home, I'll be fine." I shook my head.

"I'm not leaving. It's my fault you're in this situation. Plus, you'll need someone to take you home later."

"Beth has the car."

"Then I'll order an uber, but I'm not leaving you." I grabbed his hand and squeezed.

"Fine, but take my jacket." He shoved his suit jacket at me and I furrowed my brows.


"You're half-naked at the guy at five o'clock hasn't taken his eyes off your chest since we sat down." My eyes widened and I grabbed the jacket.

"Thanks." I was about to apologize again when a pretty nurse came out.

"Hayden Young." We stood up.

"Do you want me to wait here or go with you?"

"Come with?" I smiled and followed behind him. The pretty nurse leads us to a room, where she did all the stuff nurses do before the doctor comes in. Including giving him a shot in the face.

"So, Hayden, your nose is definitely broken, the doctor will be in shortly to realign it and place a splint, but before I go, can you tell me how you broke it?"

"My brother punched him in the face." Her eyes widened.

"The doctor will be in soon." As she walked out, Hayden stared at her ass and it irritated me.

"Could you stare any harder?" He turned to me and gave me a weird bloody smirk. It was creepy.

"Jealous?" I narrowed my eyes.

"No, I just think it's rude." He opened his mouth to respond, but then the doctor walked in.

"So, rough night?" He asked cutting the awkward tension, "I'm Dr. Smith, how about we get that nose back in place?"

"This is going to hurt isn't it?" Hayden suddenly looked terrified.

"The nurse should have given you a local anesthetic to numb it up." Hayden was looking woozy, so I took over.

"She gave him a shot."

"Right, ok, hold still." Hayden reached out and grabbed my hand squeezing it hard as the doctor just casually snapped his nose back into place. I heard the snapping nose and it made me cringe.

"Huh, that didn't hurt at all." The doctor laughed as he put a splint on his nose

"That's the anesthesia, once that wears off, you'll probably be in a lot of pain. I'm going to prescribe you something for the pain. Take them as needed and in a week, you can either come back here or go to your primary care physician." He was typing something into the computer when a police officer walked in. My eyes widened.

"Mr. Young?" He asked.


"We are here to take your statement." Hayden's brows furrowed in an adorably confused way.

"For what?"

"You were assaulted?"

"Oh, that, yeah, I'm not going to press charges."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm not going to send my best friend to jail."

"Alright if you change your mind, just come down to the station." He gave a nod and walked out and then the doctor came back over.

"I'll get the discharge papers. Your prescription is down at the pharmacy."

"I'll order an uber and get your meds while you work on getting discharged." I squeezed his hand and walked out.

First and Last (Love and Hate Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora