Chapter 15

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I was walking home from class when suddenly there was an arm over both shoulders. I looked both ways and saw Bridget and Josie.

"Uhh, what's up?"

"We've been thinking," Josie said.

"We were wondering if you had any plans for your Halloween costume?" Bridget said making my brows furrow.

"I haven't put any thought into it. Halloween isn't for like," I thought about it and my eyes widened, "A week. Holy crap, Halloween is in a week."

"Well, how do you feel about mermaids?" Josie said with a goofy grin.

"I like them?"

"Good, because we happen to have an extra mermaid bra and skirt and it has your name on it. I'm blue and Jo's purple, so you can be pink." I smiled.

"My favorite color. I'm in."

"Good, 3 o'clock the day of, bring your cute butt to my place. We have a party to go to." Bridget and Josie let go of me and headed off on their own way, but not before Bridget smacked my butt.

That was weird. I shook my head and continued on my way home. I can't believe that October flew by and I didn't even know it. It must be this weird thing going on with Hayden that's screwing up my mind.

A couple of weeks ago we fell asleep in my bed and I woke up without him and I was genuinely disappointed. Which is ridiculous. I had no reason to feel that way.

I mean we shouldn't have slept in my bed at all. That was wrong. He's not my boyfriend and I don't like him.

At least that's what I keep telling myself.


"I didn't realize Halloween was so close." I groaned flopping down on the couch.

"Well, you've clearly been in your own world, because Landon and I have been arguing over what we are dressing as for weeks." I furrowed my brows.

"Yeah, it's been a weird few months. I've been a little off since I graduated." I ran my hands through my hair and sighed.

"Is this about Hayden?"

"Maybe? Who am I kidding, yes? It's about him. Or at least partially. I've got some other stuff to deal with, but this thing with Hayden is screwing with my mind. I don't even know how to begin sorting through my feelings about him. But, that's not important right now. What is important is Halloween." I gave Beth a tight smile.

"Are you sure? Because, if you need, I am totally willing to sit here for hours discussing your feelings and helping you sort through them." She gave me a big goofy grin.

"Hours of talking about my feelings? No thanks. I have a therapist for that."

"Wait, what? Since when?" I bit my lip, I wasn't planning on sharing that with anyone.

"Oh, umm, I had my first session a couple of days ago." I bit my lip nervously.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She sounded hurt.

"I didn't want anyone to know. Hayden told me that I needed to talk to someone and he was right."

"You told Hayden, the guy who was your sworn enemy two months ago and not your best friend?"

"I didn't really tell him, he noticed."

"Noticed what?" I rolled my eyes.

"That I'm a total mess. Hayden, who I hadn't so much as looked at in three years noticed that I was a hot mess and no one else. I mean I thought I did a pretty good job at hiding it, but Hayden noticed." I wiped a stray tear.

"That's because he pays attention."

"What do you mean?"

"Hayden pays attention to you, he always has, probably always will. You just never noticed." I shook my head.

"What does that even mean?" She smiled.

"When did we meet?"

"Second Grade, why?"

"Point is we've known each other for most of our lives and yet I didn't notice anything was wrong with you and he did. I don't know if he's in love with you or just has a huge crush on you or if he sees you as nothing but a friend. I don't know what it is he feels for you, but I know it's something. Something that makes him pay attention." I gulped, those words hit me right in the chest.

"So, you have plans for Halloween? Josie, Bridget, and I are doing matching costumes. Mermaids, I guess. What about you?" I blurted out, desperate to change the subject.

"Well, it's Landon's turn to choose costumes and since he's a lazy bastard, he decided on greasers. That way we don't have to buy anything." I laughed, that sounds like my brother.

"Of course he did." We laughed.


I looked in the mirror and grimaced. This was not what I was expecting when they said a mermaid costume, with a bra and skirt. I expected a seashell bra and a long actual mermaid skirt.

What I got is a sparkly bra and a sparkly sheer skirt with a few seashells glued on. I mean, it's gorgeous, but it's a lot of skin. The skirt is sheer, which means my underwear is visible. I guess that's why they told me specifically what kind of underwear to wear.

Then there's the iridescent makeup on my face. It's just kind of there. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice costume, but it's more of an abstract take on mermaids.

"You look hot," Bridget said with a weird smirk.

"Of course I do, most of my body is visible," I said, not totally comfortable with this costume.

"Don't be a prude, you have a-rockin' bod, don't be afraid to rock it," Josie said not at all making me feel better.

"Oh, whatever, you two don't have your underwear on display." I glared at their solid skirts.

"Hey, it's not my fault my boobs didn't fit in the pink one." I narrowed my eyes.

"Yeah, well one wrong move and my ass is going to rip this damn skirt." We all looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Come on ladies, let's get this shit on the road," Bridget cheered.

"We need a picture first." I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of us. This skimpy costume is growing on me.

Halloween here we come!


I know this chapter didn't have a lot going on, but that's because the next chapter is a big one! I was going to make it one chapter, but the next bit was too important to be shoved at the end of this chapter.

So, the next chapter is all about Halloween.

Lots of love


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