Chapter 30

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"We had our guests make these 'ABC's of Baby Names' lists so we had suggestions and you have refused to even look at them." Landon snapped. He and Beth have been arguing about what to name their little girl since the gender reveal party. That was two months ago.

Beth refuses to listen to anything Landon says. Even now, on our flight to Cancun for spring break, they won't stop arguing.

"Fine, give me one." She snatched an ABC's of Baby Name's sheet from him.

"Ok, read them." He said with a smirk.

"Agatha, Betty, Carol, Debra, Ethel, Francine, Gladys, Hilda, Irine, Janet, Karol with a K, Lois, Mildred, Nancy, Olga, Phyllis, the letter Q, Rhonda, Selma, Theodora, Ursula, Vern, Winifred, Xyla, Yvette, and Zenobia." Everyone started at Beth in silence.

"Hey, they're not all terrible." Beth just glared.

"Landon, these are horrible. I don't know anyone under the age of 70 with any of these names."

"Hey, my mom has a friend named Nancy and she's at most 50." I squeezed my eyes shut cringing.

"Landon, not helping," I said.

"But out!" They both snapped at the same time.

"Fine, but don't blame me if you're in labor and the best you can come up with is Zenobia Miller." I stood up and made my way back to Hayden. I plopped down next to him on the couch.

"Had enough of the happy couple already?"

"Yeah, she finally agreed to read one of the name papers from the gender reveal party and I'm pretty sure my grandma filled it out."

"Good thing is this private jet is huge." We grinned at each other.

I should probably explain some things.

The past couple of months have been pretty smooth for the two of us. We've done everything from fancy dates to lazing around in sweatpants.

Now, here we are about to celebrate our five-month anniversary and our birthdays in Cancun.

We were planning on just going home for spring break, but then Leo offered to fly us to Cancun on his parent's private jet to spend the week at his family beach house. No way was any of us going to turn that down.

The only problem is while things between Hayden and I have been great, things between the others have not.

Beth hasn't stopped freaking out over what to name the baby since the second they found out she was a she. She insists that the baby's name will just come to her when the time is right. It of course drives Landon crazy, which just intensifies his panic. After the gender reveal party, the fact that he's going to have a girl finally sunk in and he hasn't stopped freaking out since.

Then There's Bridget. She's spent weeks pining after some girl she met in the checkout line at Target. She went from a different girl every week, to just sitting there starry-eyed. It's weird.

Don't even get me started on Josie. She's in the middle of some sort of mid-college crisis. Apparently helping me work through my issues, made her realize she probably doesn't want to work in the psychology field. Apparently, she's using this vacation to clear her head and find a vacation hookup.

Then there's Leo. I'm convinced he has ulterior motives for this trip. He's been making googly eyes at Josie since they got back home after Christmas.

Basically, what I'm saying, is the seven of us are going to Cancun for spring break and everyone is a mess except Hayden and I.

Hayden and I are solid. This trip will do nothing but bring us closer.


The second we stepped foot off the plane, it was like we were attacked with a wave of humidity. "Woah. Is it humid or am I just really pregnant?" Beth said rubbing her stomach and I rolled my eyes. She's seven months pregnant and looks no more than four.

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