Chapter 2

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"Kalista I thought you were gonna wear the polka dot dress." I turned around and glared at my mother.

"Mom, I told you, that dress looks too much like the dress I wore to my 13th birthday party." I sighed.

"Kalista, just pick something." I glared at her even harder.

"Mom, this is the single most important day in my life, thus far, I have to look perfect. Would you rush me into picking out a wedding dress?"

"You know, I think you should go with the white dress with the yellow flowers." I flipped around and squealed.

"Beth!" I tackled my best friend into a hug, "Where's Landon?"

"He headed to the event center to save the seats." I squeezed my eyes shut.

"He went to save seats so that my parents would be guaranteed a certain amount of seats separation?"

"Yep." I rolled my eyes. I hate that I'm constantly in the middle of my parents horrible relationship, "Now, get dressed so that we can go." I looked at the white dress with yellow flowers and it's definitely the right dress. I slipped the dress on, followed by my cap and gown.

 I slipped the dress on, followed by my cap and gown

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"Time to get you graduated honey." I gave my mom a genuine smile and we made our way to the event center.


"Kallie!" I heard the familiar voice of my big brother as I walked out of the event center as a high school graduate.

"Landon!" I ran up and hugged him. The university that Landon, Beth and Hayden all attend is a three hour drive away, which means I only see my brother and best friend one weekend a month. I miss them so much.

"Hey baby sis, I'm so proud of you."

"He's not the only one." my dad said from behind Landon.

"Daddy!" I rushed over and hugged my dad. This is the first time I've seen him in over a year and a half. I have my problems with him and the fact that he abandoned me three years ago, but I miss him so much.

"I missed you baby girl."

"I missed you too."

"I want a hug!" I heard Beth whined and I moved on to hug her and then I hugged my mom.

"Thank you guys for being here, it means a lot to me." I smiled at my family.

"Where's my hug Little Miller?" I spun around feeling angrier by the second.

"What the hell are you doing here Hayden?" I practically growled out.

"I take it you're still mad?" He had a stupid smirk on his face.

"No, I'm not mad, I just hate you. Now, if you all will excuse me, I have some friends to meet up with and an after graduation party to attend." I looked at my mom waiting for her objection.

"Please be home by one." my eyes widened, I'm shocked at how supportive she's being.

"One? Seriously Regina, why don't you just tell her to come home tomorrow?" my dad scoffed.

"It's her graduation night David, shut up." I rolled my eyes and made my escape. I don't want to end up stuck in the middle of another argument between my parents.

Soon, I spotted my friend James and ran over to him, "Hey James, ready to go?" I smiled.

"Yeah, Court agreed to the designated driver, so we can get wasted." I wrapped my arm around him and giggled.

"IS my party bag still in your car?"

"Yep, you can change in the backseat, Court still has that sheet you can use as a divider." I always keep a bag with a semi slutty party dress and some heels in James's car.

"Perfect!" He smiled at me. It was one of those smiles that is one of pure adoration. James likes me, I've known that since we met junior year. Yes, he has a crush on me and yes I use that to my advantage more than I care to admit.

It's just a harmless crush.


It was 3 am when I drunkenly stumbled into the house. I couldn't help but laugh as I spent a solid five minutes trying and failing to get the key in the lock before finally succeeding.

"Ok, door opened, now I need light." As I said that, the light flicked on, "Oh shit, busted."

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" my eyes widened.

"You are too young and too hot to be my mom Hayden Young." I carefully tried to take my heels off, but just ended up falling on my ass.

"Kallie, why aren't you wearing a shirt." I looked down and suddenly remembered I was no longer wearing my two piece dress set, I was just wearing a short pink skirt and a bandeau.

"Oh yeah, I couldn't do body shots with my top on, it got in the way." I stood up shakily.

"Body shots? Kalista May what the hell!" He practically growled.

"Thats not my middle name." he rolled his eyes and I yawned, "It's bed time." I stumbled towards the stairs.

"Ok, you're gonna break your face going up those stairs." He swooped me up carrying me bridal style. I leaned against his shoulders and sighed.

"You smeel good."

"Kallie, why the hell did you go to a party, get drunk off your ass and let guys drink liquor off you?" He practically whispered.

"Cause, I'm a party girl."

"You didn't used to be."

"When I drink, I forget and I like forgetting." his brows furrowed.

"Forget what?"

"That I was a slut."

"What? Kal, you're not a slut. Far from it. Why would you think that?"

"Because, I slept with you." He took a sharp breath and set me in my bed.

"So have a lot of girls and that doesn't make you a slut."

"Then why did you treat me like one." He brushed the hair out of my face and looked guilty.

"I'm so sorry Kal." I felt a wave of tiredness come over me and before I knew it, I was asleep.


Sorry for taking so long to update, it takes me a lot longer to write a chapter for Wattpad than it did for chapters.

With chapters, I could just pull my phone out and type a chapter out while watching an episode of whatever, but I can't do that here. It takes more time to write a chapter.

Plus, I've been sick and that sucks.

Anyway, thanks for the support.

Like and Comment please! I love hearing from you guys.


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